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  1. Bernina Express From glaciers to palms. The UNESCO World Heritage Site and pristine Alpine landscapes within reach: a trip on the Bernina Express is a travel experience in a class of its own.

  2. A travessia dos Alpes com o Bernina Express é simplesmente espetacular. Um momento inesquecível que merece ser filmado é a travessia do Viaduto de Landwasser, marco da Ferrovia Rética e patrimônio mundial da UNESCO. Entre Chur e Tirano, o Bernina Express atravessa 55 túneis e 196 pontes.

  3. Here you can find official tickets for traveling along the famous Bernina Express Railway with the beautiful Swiss Red Train. Enjoy it!

  4. The Bernina Express, Rhaetian Railway’s classic train, is a rolling legend and one of the most famous trains in the world. On the highest railway tracks in Europe and the steepest in the world, the Bernina Express takes its passengers on a unique journey through 55 tunnels and over 196 bridges.

  5. Bernina Express. To travel aboard the Bernina Express, a seat reservation and a public transport ticket are required, the latter of which can be purchased no more than six months before the date of travel. The tickets are neither limited in quantity nor bound to the seat reservation. For more information, please see our FAQ's.

  6. Von den Gletschern zu den Palmen. Das UNESCO Welterbe RhB und unberührte Alpenlandschaften zum Greifen nah: Eine Fahrt mit dem Bernina Express ist ein Reiseerlebnis der Extraklasse.

  7. This panoramic train connects the north of Europe to its south – right through the UNESCO World Heritage site of Rhaetian Railway, passing by glaciers on its way down to palm trees. Crossing the Alps in the Bernina Express certainly is one of the most spectacular ways to do it.