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  1. 6 de jul. de 2021 · Nessa nova dica do inglês no teclado, vamos conferir exercícios com must e have to para reforçar o entendimento dos nossos leitores sobre o tema. As respostas, isto é, o gabarito, você encontra ao final das questões.

  2. Exercícios sobre MUST e HAVE TO com respostas. 1. Circle the correct answer. a) I must / mustn't ask Mum for some money. I haven't got enough for my ticket. b) I must / mustn't forget to tell Pietra. She wants to come, too. c) We must / mustn't check the times of the trains again. I'm not sure of them. d) We must / mustn't be late for our train.

  3. Online quiz to test your understanding of HAVE TO and MUST in English. This is a free multiple-choice quiz that you can do online or print out. For ESL learners.

  4. We use have to to talk about rules and obligations, something that is necessary. I have to get to work before 7 tomorrow. The car broke down and we had to call a taxi. Must Rules and obligations. Must is very similar to have to. We use must + infinitive (without to) to talk about rules and obligations. I must go to the doctor. I must get up ...

  5. Must and have to - modal verbs exercises. Auxiliary verbs in English elementary, intermediate and adavanced level esl.

  6. Fill in the blanks with affirmative or negative forms-- must/mustn't or have to & has to / don't have to exercise.

  7. Must ou Have to. Ambos expressam obrigação, responsabilidade ou necessidade. Em geral, o Have to é mais frequente no inglês falado do que o Must. Must é usado mais na escrita formal, especialmente em avisos, regras ou instruções escritas.