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Fazer o download do App Web Progressivo do Google Meet no computador. Kits de hardware e acessórios do Meet. Acessibilidade do Google Meet. Configurar o Meet para sua equipe trabalhar remotamente. Instale o novo app Meet para Android. O Google Meet é um app único para fazer videochamadas e reuniões em todos os dispositivos.
Start a video meeting from Gmail. Open Gmail. In the Meet section, click New meeting. To send the meeting invite via link or email, click Send invite. To copy the meeting invite details, click Copy meeting invite . To send an email invite, click Share via email. When you’re ready to join the meeting, click Join now.
Official Google Meet Help Center where you can find tips and tutorials on using Google Meet and other answers to frequently asked questions.
Wählen Sie im Drop-down-Menü „In der Adressleiste verwendete Suchmaschine“ Google aus. Scrollen Sie nach unten zur Erweiterung „Google-Suche“. Klicken Sie rechts oben auf der Seite auf das Zahnradsymbol. Aktivieren Sie das Kästchen neben "Als Standardsuchanbieter festlegen".
Enter the meeting code or nickname into your Google meeting room hardware device. Join a video meeting from a third-party system. Tap the event on your device’s calendar if the meeting was scheduled ahead of time. Tap the Google Meet icon and enter the meeting code. Join a video meeting without a Google Account.
Status dashboard. If you're having trouble accessing a Google product, there's a chance we're currently experiencing a temporary problem. You can check for outages and downtime on the Google Workspace Status Dashboard. Send feedback about our Help Center.
Step 1: Turn on SPF & DKIM. Before you can use DMARC, you must turn on SPF and DKIM for your domain. If you haven't set up SPF and DKIM, go to Help prevent spoofing, phishing, and spam. SPF, DKIM, and DMARC are applied per domain. If you manage more than one domain, you must enable SPF, DKIM, and DMARC separately for each domain.
Usar o modo companion para garantir a equidade da colaboração nas reuniões híbridas. Resolver problemas no Google Meet. Acessibilidade do Google Meet. Imprimir, salvar ou personalizar guias do Centro de aprendizagem. Saiba como imprimir guias do Centro de aprendizagem, salvá-los como PDFs ou personalizá-los para sua organização.
Sugestões sobre como colaborar numa videoconferência. Atividades no Google Meet. Altere a forma como vê a sua imagem e a de outras pessoas. Faça uma apresentação numa reunião. Fundo e reações. Controlos de anfitrião. Acessibilidade. Transfira uma reunião entre dispositivos.
Sync files and folders to Drive for Desktop - YouTube. When you first open Drive for desktop, you receive a notification “Google Drive would like to start syncing.”. Click OK. On your computer, open Drive for desktop. You can sync files from your computer to Google Drive and backup to Google Photos.