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  1. When in Rome, do as the Romans do (Medieval Latin: Sī fuerīs Rōmae, Rōmānō vīvitō mōre; sī fuerīs alibī, vīvitō sīcut ibī), often shortened to when in Rome..., is a proverb attributed to Saint Ambrose.

  2. 14 de out. de 2014 · Nessas situações, é comum utilizarmos um provérbio em inglês que é: “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”, “Quando em Roma, aja como os romanos”. Mas é claro que ela não é utilizada somente para quando alguém vai para Roma, ela vale para qualquer destino.

  3. 22 de fev. de 2018 · Learn how a 4th century AD saint's advice to a bishop became a popular expression for following local customs and traditions. Find out who popularized the phrase in literature and culture and how it is used today.

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  4. when in Rome (do as the Romans do) definition: 1. when you are visiting another place, you should follow the customs of the people in that place…. Learn more.

  5. What's the meaning of the phrase 'When in Rome, do as the Romans do'? When one is a visitor, it is polite and possibly also advantageous, to abide by the customs of the society you are joining. What's the origin of the phrase 'When in Rome, do as the Romans do'?

  6. 13 de out. de 2023 · The idiom “when in Rome, do as the Romans do” implies that when one is visiting a new place or culture, one should adopt the customs and behaviors of that place. In other words, it’s about adapting to one’s surroundings and showing respect to local customs and traditions.

  7. Conteúdo. when in Rome (do as the Romans do) significado, definição when in Rome (do as the Romans do): 1. when you are visiting another place, you should follow the customs of the people in that place….

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