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  1. 15 de out. de 2022 · Como usar “Should” e “Shouldn’t” em inglês. O uso de ‘should’ dá o significado de conselho à sentença. Em regra geral, ele é usado para dizer o que devemos ou não fazer, entretanto, não é tão rígido, como ‘must’.

  2. Veja o que significa should e aprenda como usar esse verbo modal. Entenda a diferença entre should e ought to, veja exemplos traduzidos de frases com should e assista um vídeo com um resumo. Faça os exercícios com gabarito para testar seus conhecimentos.

  3. 1) Dar conselhos, fazer sugestões ou recomendações. Exemplos: We should study for the test. (Nós devemos estudar para a prova.) You shouldn’t eat that. (Você não deveria comer isso.) You should read this book. It’s great! (Você deveria ler este livro.

  4. The negative form of 'should' is 'should not' or 'shouldn't', and it is used to express prohibition, absence of obligation, or to give emphasis in formal contexts. However, some modal verbs can have alternative forms which can be used in different tenses.

  5. We use should and shouldn't to give advice or to talk about what we think is right or wrong. You should means something like I think it is a good idea for you to do it. You shouldn't means something like I think it is a bad idea for you to do it.

  6. We use should and shouldn't to make suggestions and give advice: You should send an email. You shouldn’t go by train. We also use could to make positive suggestions: We could meet at the weekend. You could eat out tonight. Level: intermediate. We can use conditionals to give advice: Dan will help you if you ask him.

  7. Should, shouldn’t – Use Giving advice. We use should or shouldn’t to give somebody advice and to say what is or isn’t the right thing to do. You look tired. You should have some rest. He shouldn’t drive so fast. He’ll have an accident one day. I think you should … We often say I think … should … to give somebody advice.

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