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  1. Prison Placeholder Attributes: Prison supports Placeholder Attributes which allows an infinite way to customize most placeholders, such as numeric formatting, hex colors, and reductions. Can customize any bar-graph for character codes, colors, and size. Simple examples using placeholder attributes with the results following each example.

  2. JSONPlaceholder is a free online REST API that you can use whenever you need some fake data. It can be in a README on GitHub, for a demo on CodeSandbox, in code examples on Stack Overflow, ...or simply to test things locally.

  3. This page is about using PlaceholderAPI in your own plugin, to either let other plugins use your plugin, or just use placeholders from other plugins in your own. Please note, that the examples in this page are only available for PlaceholderAPI 2.10.0 or higher!

  4. Below you'll find examples using Fetch API but you can JSONPlaceholder with any other language. You can copy paste the code in your browser console to quickly test JSONPlaceholder.

  5. Setting placeholders in your plugin. PlaceholderAPI offers the ability, to automatically parse placeholders from other plugins within your own plugin, giving the ability for your plugin to support thousands of other placeholders without depending on each plugin individually.

  6. Download/Get Expansion. The way PlaceholderAPI's system works, allows a Placeholder Expansion and its corresponding placeholders to either be included within a plugin (If placeholder requires said plugin) or to be available as a separate jar file on the eCloud of PlaceholderAPI.

  7. This wiki gives you information on how to create placeholders in your plugin that can be used in other plugins, how to use other placeholders inside your plugin, or how to make an expansion. It also has a community-curated list of all available Placeholder expansions and their placeholders.