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  1. Este trabalho é um estudo da situação da Malária em Angola, focado nas condições da cidade de Luanda. Baseou-se em estudos já existentes e em pesquisas de dados da Clínica Multiperfil, um importante polo de saúde do país.

    • Filipe Silva Alves
    • 2021
  2. Pretende-se que este manual seja um instrumento de suporte à implementação das práticas correctas do diagnóstico precoce e do tratamento adequado da malária em todos os níveis do Sistema Nacional de Saúde (sector público e privado), contribuindo assim para a redução da morbimortalidade desta doença em Angola.

  3. O estudo pretende descrever e analisar os conhecimentos, atitudes e comportamentos manifestados por indivíduos adultos, no que diz respeito à prevenção e controlo da Malária, em Luanda, Angola.

    • Cláudia Vumbi
    • Vumbi, Cláudia
    • 2016
    • 2016
    • Epidemiological Stratification and Incidence Rates of Malaria in Angola
    • Angola’s Diverse Climate and Topography
    • Malaria Vectors in Angola
    • Malaria Control and Prevention in Angola
    • Spread of Malaria in Angola

    Angola is the 12th most populous African country, with close to 36 million people . The country has a rapidly expanding population, which has doubled since 2000; the median age is 16.7 years, and close to a third (32.6%) of the population is under the age of 10 years . Its world rank by population size is expected to change from 44th currently to 2...

    Angola, located on the southwestern coast of Africa, is the 7th largest country in the continent, with nearly 500,000 square miles. The country is divided into 18 provinces and shares borders with the Republic of the Congo (RoC) to the north, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to the north and northeast, Zambia to the east and Namibia to th...

    A key determinant of malaria transmission is the presence of vector species, which is constrained by environmental suitability . Biomes described above are characterized by differences in rainfall, altitude, weather patterns, flora and fauna that all interact to produce variable habitability for Anopheles mosquitoes, which in turn influences the pr...


    In recent years, the Government of Angola, together with several international partners, has invested in several malaria prevention interventions targeting both disease vectors and the parasite. Implementation of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy (IPTp) was initiated in 2006 and, by 2019, roughly 10 million Angolans (~ 30% of the population) had access to insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs), including long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs), or indoor residual spra...

    Diagnosis and anti-malarial drug policy

    By the early 1980s, chloroquine resistance had spread throughout Africa , which resulted in chloroquine’s removal as a first-line treatment for uncomplicated malaria in Angola and was replaced by amodiaquine (AQ) or sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine (SP) [28, reviewed in 67]. Starting in 2004, with increasing evidence of emergent SP resistance , Angola adopted the use of ACTs for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria, a switch implemented country-wide by 2007/8 . In 2006, the Angolan NMC...

    Vector surveillance and control

    Given the NMCP’s strategic goals and increased commitment to advancing vector monitoring and control activities, interventions have focused on routine and mass distribution of LLINs or ITN, particularly in areas where IRS was previously implemented, and IRS in selected municipalities [21, 71]. Broad distribution of nets and IRS in southern provinces of Cuando Cubango and Cunene activities, together with ADECOS, also aimed at supporting Namibia’s malaria pre-elimination efforts through cross-b...

    Internal population displacement

    Human migration is one of the main drivers of spread of P. falciparum [83,84,85], making human movement across Angola an important factor to consider in understanding the dynamics of malaria in the region. Of the current population of ~ 36 million, about two thirds live in urban centres, including 2.8 million in the capital city, Luanda, and 9.1 million in the overall Luanda province . Migration to Luanda grew rapidly in the end of the twentieth century, due to armed conflicts elsewhere,...

    Malaria among Angola’s neighbours and the elimination eight initiative

    The movement of people across international borders poses a critical challenge to malaria control due to properties that are often unique among border regions, where disparate resources, policies and challenges across borders makes it exceedingly difficult to achieve uniform success [94, 95]. Angola shares > 3300 miles with its neighbours (Fig. 5) including borders with the RoC and DRC, countries that have hyperendemic malaria transmission and similar climatic and ecological conditions to nor...

    The potential of P. falciparum demography studies in Angola

    It is currently unknown if the P. falciparum population in Angola is panmictic or structured, and if the latter, the extent of its fragmentation. This knowledge is critical to inform successful malaria control initiatives. For example, it is unknown if Angola’s P. falciparum population is fragmented, with parasites persisting year-round in regions of low transmission as subpatent infections in asymptomatic carriers, or if instead the Angolan P. falciparum population behaves largely as a singl...

  4. FARDO DA MALÁRIA EM ANGOLA •Prevalência da malária , 14% •Entre 2018 e 2022 houve uma tendência crescente de casos de malária, com aumento médio de 32% por ano entre 2018 a 2020. •A incidência em 2022 foi de 279 por 1.000 habitantes •Em 2019 o número de óbitos diminuiu chegando a 8 298 , mas em 2020

  5. The prevalence of laboratory-confirmed malaria in febrile patients in Luanda is very low, but increases with distance from the urban center. Prevention and treatment should be focused in surrounding rural areas.

  6. 20 de jul. de 2020 · It comprised eight indicators aiming to assess: health care worker malaria knowledge; malaria testing (“Test”) and treating practices (“Treat”); quality of malaria reporting (“Track”) and health facility stock-outs.