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  1. Crie apresentações ilimitadas, sites e muito mais - em segundos. Tudo o que o senhor precisa para criar e refinar rapidamente o conteúdo com IA avançada. O Gamma me permite agrupar as informações de uma forma que não consigo com os slides e, ao mesmo tempo, criar um bom fluxo para as minhas apresentações. Ann Marie, Diretora de Produto ...

  2. Create unlimited presentations, websites, and more—in seconds. Everything you need to quickly create and refine content with advanced AI. Gamma allows me to package up information in ways I can't with slides, while still creating good flow for my presentations. Ann Marie, Director of Product at Koalafi.

  3. Create a working presentation or document you can refine and customize in under a minute. Sign up for free and turn your ideas into life with Gamma. Gamma allows me to package up information in ways I can't with slides, while still creating good flow for my presentations.

  4. Principais recursos. Criação de IA ilimitada. Geração avançada de imagens com IA. Remova o selo "Made with Gamma". Gere até 15 cartões. Inclui tudo em Free, e... 10.000 tokens de IA por geração. Suporte prioritário. Acesso antecipado a novos recursos.

  5. Advice and answers from the Gamma Team.

  6. Português do Brasil. Orientações e respostas da equipe de Gamma. Central de ajuda vazia. Esta central de ajuda ainda não tem nenhum artigo nem coleção. Gamma Help Center.

  7. How to change the Gamma interface language. If you use your browser in a certain language, Gamma will automatically load in that language for you. If you want to switch back to English or another supported language, you can go to User Settings, by clicking on your user profile in the top left corner of your dashboard and then selecting the gear ...

  8. Advanced AI image generation. Remove "Made with Gamma" badge. Generate up to 15 cards. Includes everything in Free, and... 10,000 AI tokens per generation. Priority support. Early access to new features.

  9. Getting Started with Gamma. By Hilary and 1 other4 articles. How to use Gamma in your preferred language How to use Gamma AI features in any language. About upgrading your workspace to Gamma's paid plans Learn about the benefits offered in our Free, Plus, and Pro plans. How to translate a gamma.

  10. Presentation Inspiration. Browse through the beautiful decks people have made with Gamma. If you're excited to share with us, tag us with #MadeWithGamma.