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  1. Eisleben é uma cidade no estado alemão de Saxônia-Anhalt. É famosa por ter sido a cidade natal do líder protestante Martinho Lutero, daí o seu nome oficial ser Lutherstadt Eisleben (traduzido do alemão, significa Eisleben Cidade de Lutero).

    • Mansfeld-Südharz
    • Alemanha
    • Saxônia-Anhalt
    • Jutta Fischer
  2. › wiki › EislebenEisleben - Wikipedia

    Eisleben is a town in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. It is famous as both the hometown of the influential theologian Martin Luther and the place where he died; hence, its official name is Lutherstadt Eisleben. First mentioned in the late 10th century, Eisleben is divided into the old town of Alstadt, and new town of Neustadt.

  3. Lutherstadt Eisleben [ˈa͜isleːbn̩] ist eine Mittelstadt und die zweitgrößte Stadt im Landkreis Mansfeld-Südharz im östlichen Harzvorland in Sachsen-Anhalt. Bekannt ist sie als Geburts- und Sterbeort Martin Luthers. Zu Ehren des größten Sohnes der Stadt führt Eisleben seit 1946 den Beinamen „Lutherstadt“.

  4. › pt › EislebenEisleben - Wikiwand

    Eisleben é uma cidade no estado alemão de Saxônia-Anhalt. É famosa por ter sido a cidade natal do líder protestante Martinho Lutero, daí o seu nome oficial ser Lutherstadt Eisleben. A cidade é a capital do distrito de Mansfelder e, em 2004, tinha uma população de 21 062 habitantes.

  5. Eisleben is a town in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. It is famous as the hometown of Martin Luther; because of this, its official name is Lutherstadt Eisleben. In 2015, Eisleben had a population of 24,198. Eisleben has two parts old town and new town (Altstadt and Neustadt).

  6. Martin Luther's Death House (German: Martin Luthers Sterbehaus) is a historic building in Eisleben, Saxony-Anhalt Germany, long regarded as the place where the influential theologian Martin Luther died on 18 February 1546.

  7. Martin Luther's Birth House (‹See Tfd› German: Martin Luthers Geburtshaus) is a building and museum in Eisleben, Germany. The German religious reformer Martin Luther was born there in 1483. [1] However, the actual house in which Luther was born no longer exists, it having been burnt completely to the ground in 1689.