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17 de set. de 2024 · This tutorial shows how to use the Eclipse IDE to perform Git commands like staging, commit, merge, rebase, pull and push. It also covers Git configuration, views, exercises and integration with GitHub.
Eclipse EGit is a project that provides Eclipse tooling for the JGit Java implementation of Git. It supports distributed SCM features, history queries, and integration with Eclipse IDE releases from 2010 to 2024.
EGit is an Eclipse project that provides tooling for the Git version control system. Learn how to use EGit features, download the latest version, and get involved in the community.
Git no Eclipse. O Eclipse é fornecido com um plugin chamado Egit, que fornece uma interface bastante completa para as operações do Git. É acedido ao mudar para o Git Perspective (Janela > Perspectiva _Aberta > Outro … , e seleciona "Git").
Eclipse ships with a plugin called Egit, which provides a fairly-complete interface to Git operations. It’s accessed by switching to the Git Perspective (Window > Open Perspective > Other…, and select "Git").
O EGit é um plugin para o Eclipse que utiliza uma implementação Java do JGit que possibilita controlar projetos da IDE com o software de controle de versão do Git. De acordo com sua documentação, o plugin não está totalmente pronto, mas atende às funções básicas da ferramenta de controle do Git.
EGit is a set of Eclipse plugins for working with Git repositories. It is based on the JGit library, which is a Git implementation in pure Java. Learn about its features, compatibility, documentation and how to contribute.