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  1. 23 de nov. de 2020 · Poemas de Dorothy Parker. Dorothy Parker (Long Branch, Nueva Jersey, 22 de agosto de 1893 – Nueva York, 7 de junio de 1967), fue una cuentista, dramaturga, crítica teatral, humorista, guionista y poeta estadounidense.

  2. Desculpe a minha poeira. Salário não é objeto: quero apenas o suficiente para manter o corpo e alma separados. Não são as tragédias que nos matam, são as confusões. Brevidade é a alma da lingerie. A cura para o tédio é curiosidade. Não há cura para a curiosidade. Mais poemas.

  3. Pensador. Poemas de Dorothy Parker. Cerca de 6 poemas de Dorothy Parker. Quando você jurar lhe pertencer, arrepiada e sorrindo, e ele te jurar seu amor ser. imortal, infindo - moça é bom escrever: Um de vocês está mentindo. Dorothy Parker. 6 compartilhamentos. Na juventude, era o meu jeito. Fazer o meu melhor para agradar.

  4. Readers can explore ten of the best poems Dorothy Parker wrote throughout her life on this list. They engage with themes as different as suicide, heartbreak, and the death of dreams. No matter one’s personal history, there will be a poem on this list that feels relatable and inspiring.

  5. Parker's poetry is characterized by its conversational tone, accessible language, and ironic humor. She often tackled themes of love, loss, and disillusionment with a blend of wit and pathos. Unlike the flowery language of earlier Romantic poets, Parker embraced a direct and unadorned style, reflecting

  6. Raised on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, Dorothy Parker built a career that was defined by her wit and her incisive commentary on contemporary America. She was born two months prematurely at her family’s summer home in West End, New Jersey. By the time she was...

  7. Dorothy Parker. 1893 –. 1967. Four be the things I am wiser to know: Idleness, sorrow, a friend, and a foe. Four be the things I’d been better without: Love, curiosity, freckles, and doubt. Three be the things I shall never attain: Envy, content, and sufficient champagne.