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  1. A raça caucasiana (também caucasóide [a]) é uma classificação racial desatualizada de seres humanos com base em uma teoria da raça biológica atualmente contestada.

    • Caucasiano

      Caucasiano pode se referir a: Antropologia. Qualquer coisa...

  2. Caucasiano pode se referir a: Antropologia. Qualquer coisa da região do Cáucaso. Povos do Cáucaso, humanos da região do Cáucaso; Línguas do Cáucaso, línguas faladas na região do Cáucaso; Caucasian Exarchate (1917–1920), um exarcado eclesiástico da Igreja Ortodoxa Russa na região do Cáucaso

    • History of The Concept
    • Classification
    • Usage in The United States
    • See Also
    • References

    The Caucasus as the origin of humanity and the peak of beauty

    In the eighteenth century, the prevalent view among European scholars was that the human species had its origin in the region of the Caucasus Mountains. This view was based upon the Caucasus being the location for the purported landing point of Noah's Ark – from whom the Bible states that humanity is descended – and the location for the suffering of Prometheus, who in Hesiod's myth had crafted humankind from clay. In addition, the most beautiful humans were reputed by Europeans to be the ster...

    Göttingen school of history

    The term Caucasian as a racial category was introduced in the 1780s by members of the Göttingen school of history – notably Christoph Meiners in 1785 and Johann Friedrich Blumenbach in 1795[b][page needed]—it had originally referred in a narrow sense to the native inhabitants of the Caucasusregion. In his The Outline of History of Mankind (1785), the German philosopher Christoph Meiners first used the concept of a "Caucasian" (Kaukasisch) race in its wider racial sense.[b][page needed] Meiner...

    Carleton Coon

    There was never consensus among the proponents of the "Caucasoid race" concept regarding how it would be delineated from other groups such as the proposed Mongoloid race. Carleton S. Coon (1939) included the populations native to all of Central and Northern Asia, including the Ainu people, under the Caucasoid label. However, many scientists maintained the racial categorizations of color established by Meiners' and Blumenbach's works, along with many other early steps of anthropology, well int...

    In the 19th century Meyers Konversations-Lexikon (1885–1890), Caucasoid was one of the three great races of humankind, alongside Mongoloid and Negroid. The taxon was taken to consist of a number of subtypes. The Caucasoid peoples were usually divided into three groups on ethnolinguistic grounds, termed Aryan (Indo-European), Semitic (Semitic langua...

    Besides its use in anthropology and related fields, the term "Caucasian" has often been used in the United States in a different, social context to describe a group commonly called "white people". "White" also appears as a self-reporting entry in the U.S. Census. Naturalization as a United States citizen was restricted to "free white persons" by th...


    1. Camberg, Kim (December 13, 2005). "Long-term tensions behind Sydney riots". BBC News. Retrieved March 3, 2007. 2. Figal, Sara Eigen (April 15, 2010). Heredity, Race, and the Birth of the Modern. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-135-89161-9. 3. Leroi, Armand Marie (March 14, 2005). "A Family Tree in Every Gene". The New York Times. p. A23. 4. Lewontin, Richard (2005). "Confusions About Human Races". Race and Genomics, Social Sciences Research Council. Retrieved December 28, 2006. 5. Painter, Nell Irvi...


    1. Augstein, HF (1999). "From the Land of the Bible to the Caucasus and Beyond". In Harris, Bernard; Ernst, Waltraud (eds.). Race, Science and Medicine, 1700–1960. New York: Routledge. pp. 58–79. ISBN 978-0-415-18152-5. 2. Baum, Bruce (2006). The rise and fall of the Caucasian race: a political history of racial identity. New York: New York University Press. ISBN 978-0-8147-9892-8. 3. Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich (1775) On the Natural Varieties of Mankind– the book that introduced the concept...

  3. Os territórios caucasianos, onde haviam sido criadas em 1917 as repúblicas socialistas da Geórgia, da Armênia e do Azerbaijão, foram, de julho de 1942 a janeiro de 1943, o teatro de uma vasta ofensiva alemã, cujo objetivo era o controle dos campos petrolíferos de Baku.

  4. A raça caucasiana (também caucasóide) é uma classificação racial desatualizada de seres humanos com base em uma teoria da raça biológica atualmente contestada.

  5. Explicamos o que significa caucasiano, seu significado literal e como se relacionou com a ideia de raça ao longo da história. Pessoas com pele clara e cabelos loiros, ruivos ou castanhos são chamadas de caucasianos.

  6. Caucasianos. O termo caucasiano foi definido em 1795 por J. F. Blumenbach, para definir aquilo que se acreditava ser uma das cinco "raças" do Mundo: os europeus eram os caucasianos, os asiáticos os mongóis, e os africanos os etíopes, para além dos americanos e malaios.