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  1. Monólogo Lady Macbeth | PDF. Lady Macbeth planeja o assassinato de Duncan para que Macbeth possa se tornar rei. Ela pede aos espíritos do mal que a ajudem a matar Duncan sem remorso.

  2. 23 de dez. de 2020 · LADY MACBETH – Encontra-se embriagada a esperança que até há pouco vos revestia? Adormeceu, decerto, desde então e acordou agora, pálida e verde a contemplar o que ela própria começara tão bem?

  3. Monólogo de Lady MACBETH. Obra: Macbeth, de William Shakespeare. Entra LADY MACBETH con una vela. LADY MACBETH. ¡Fuera, maldita mancha! ¡Fuera digo! - La una, las dos; es el momento de hacerlo. - El infierno es sombrío. ¡Cómo, mi señor!

  4. O SOM E A FÚRIA DE LADY MACBETH é um monólogo onde Lady Macbeth, a famosa personagem de Shakespeare, escancara suas verdades e dialoga com seus fantasmas. A peça aborda com humor sarcástico e debochado questões essenciais de nossa condição humana como poder, ambição desmedida e maldade.

    • Original Text
    • Unfamiliar Words and Phrases
    • Thought Breakdown
    • Modern Translation
    • Performing Lady Macbeth
    • Conclusion

    The raven himself is hoarse That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan Under my battlements. Come, you spirits That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full Of direst cruelty! make thick my blood; Stop up the access and passage to remorse, That no compunctious visitings of nature Shake my fell purpose, no...

    Before you delve into the deeper meanings of the text, it is important to identify and understand any unfamiliar words or phrases Shakespeare may have used: The raven himself is hoarse:Lady Macbeth is referring to the servant who delivered the message but she calls him a raven. Ravens often symbolise death or murder and make an ominous sound when t...

    We have marked Lady Macbeth’s monologue and broken it down so that each paragraph introduces the new beats/ideas or thoughts as they come to the character: Lady Macbeth: The raven himself is hoarse That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan Under my battlements. Come, you spirits That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, And fill me from the crown...

    Now that we have the individual beats mapped out, here’s an adaptation of the same speech in modernised language. This should help you better understand the intention behind the text: Lady Macbeth: The messenger’s voice sounds hoarse, As he announces Duncan’s arrival, to my castle, where he will die. Come to me spirits, That serve thoughts about de...

    This monologue, when spoken out loud, should sound like a spell that Lady Macbeth is conjuring. She is calling on spirits to help remove her goodness and make her capable of the evil plot she is hatching: each thought begins with her summoning something new to come to her and help her achieve her goal. While the content is macabre, it also foreshad...

    This monologue, along with much of the dialogue in Macbeth, is a delicious mouthful for any actor. Take your time pulling the text apart, mining the language for meaning, so that your Lady Macbeth is as much a classic villain as she is a real, flawed human being. If you enjoyed this speech, it is worth looking at some of the other monologues from M...

  5. Monólogo Lady Macbeth - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

  6. MONÓLOGO PARA MUJERES. Personaje: Lady Macbeth. Obra: Macbeth. Autor: William Shakespeare. Fecha de publicación: 1606. Lengua original: Inglés. TRADUCCIONES. Español: Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo. Alemán: Dorothea Tieck.