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  1. Official Login page for Canvas student login, School Search Canvas, Canvas Network, Canvas Community, and Canvas Free For Teacher accounts.

  2. Canvas LMS includes a REST API for accessing and modifying data externally from the main application, in your own programs and scripts. This documentation describes the resources that make up the API.

  3. If true, students will be able to modify the course wiki. course[allow_wiki_comments] boolean: If true, course members will be able to comment on wiki pages. course[allow_student_forum_attachments] boolean: If true, students can attach files to forum posts. course[open_enrollment] boolean: Set to true if the course is open enrollment. course ...

  4. If true, will display the user’s preferred class Canvas dashboard view instead of the canvas for elementary view. Example Request: curl 'https://<canvas>/api/v1/users/<user_id>/settings \ -X PUT \ -F 'manual_mark_as_read=true' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'

  5. Canvas uses OAuth2 (specifically RFC-6749 for authentication and authorization of the Canvas API. Additionally, Canvas uses OAuth2 for LTI Advantage service authentication (as described in the IMS Security Framework ).

  6. Developer keys are OAuth2 client ID and secret pairs stored in Canvas that allow third-party applications to request access to Canvas API endpoints via the OAuth2 flow. Access is granted after a user authorizes an app and Canvas creates an API access token that’s returned in the final request of the OAuth2 flow.

  7. Returns a list of assignments for the course sorted by due date. For each assignment returns basic assignment information, the grade breakdown (including the student’s actual grade), and the basic submission information for the student’s submission if it exists.

  8. Canvas has included the tool GraphiQL, an in-browser graphical interface for interacting with GraphQL endpoints. The GraphiQL interface can be viewed by adding /graphiql to the end of your Canvas production URL (e.g.

  9. A user can still be a teacher, admin, student, etc. in any particular context without regard to this setting. This can be used for administrative purposes for integrations to be able to more easily identify why the user was created.

  10. In the case of a quiz being scored, the grade_change event will be emitted as the result of a student turning in a quiz, and the user_id in the message attributes will be the student's user ID. Trigger: Triggered anytime a grade is created or modified.

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