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  1. 4 de jan. de 2022 · Yeshua Hamashiach means “ Jesus the Messiah.”. The name Jesus is the Greek form of the Hebrew name Yeshua, which is the shortened form of the name Yehoshua. From this Hebrew word we also get the name Joshua (Joshua 5:15) or Hoshea (Numbers 13:8; Deuteronomy 32:44).

    • Where Did The Controversy of Yeshua vs. Jesus Start?
    • Why Can We Say “Jesus” Instead of “Yeshua”?
    • Why Does This Matter?
    • GeneratedCaptionsTabForHeroSec

    “What has Athens to do with Jerusalem?” To say the Bible and Ancient Greek culture rubbed each other the wrong way is an understatement. From the Maccabean revolt against Antiochus Epiphanes IV to the Sadduceesabsorbing one too many Hellenistic traditions, those in Jesus’ day and beyond had a sore spot when it came to Hellenization. Jesus’ name fro...

    We have a number of reasons why we can pronounce Jesus’ name as “Jesus.” God will still hear our prayers no matter if we call him “Yeshua,” “Jesus,” or any other transliteration of his name. We do have to keep in mind, many Messianic Jews and other groups within Christianity will only use the name “Yeshua” to highlight the fact that Jesus was a Jew...

    Ultimately, there is no one true name for Jesus, but every name of Jesus has incredible power. We can respect those who choose to say Yeshua Hamashiach and find ways to incorporate that name into our prayers and our own lives. ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Javier_Art_Photography Hope Bolinger is an acquisitions editor at End Game Press, book editor for...

    Yeshua Hamashiach is a Hebrew name for Jesus Christ that means Jesus the Messiah. Learn how this name came about, why some Christians use it, and how it relates to Jesus' Jewish heritage and identity.

  2. Yeshua Hamashia significa Jesus Cristo, o Messias. É um termo em aramaico, que era a língua falada por Jesus que deu origem a diversos idiomas falados até hoje.

  3. Yeshua ha Mashiach ou Jesus Cristo? Para esclarecimento, Yeshua ha Mashiach se traduz por Jesus, o Messias. “A palavra ‘messias’, porém, ocorre apenas duas vezes no NT grego, somente em Jo 1.41 e 4.25. Em ambas as ocasiões, refere-se a Jesus de Nazaré” *

  4. 22 de dez. de 2015 · Learn why Jesus' Hebrew name is Yeshua, meaning salvation, and how it relates to His calling and destiny as the Messiah. Discover the prophetic significance of Yeshua in the Old and New Testaments and the difference between Yeshua HaMashiach and Jesus Christ.

  5. 23 de jul. de 2018 · Yeshua HaMashiach is Hebrew for “Jesus the Messiah” and means “Adonai saves.” Learn how Yeshua fulfilled the prophecies of the Suffering Servant, the Suffering and Dying Messiah, and the Rising Messiah in the Old Covenant Scriptures.