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  1. This article features the relationship between Mary and Matthew Crawley. Mary and Matthew came from different backgrounds with different social standings, Mary being of aristocratic blood and the eldest daughter of the Earl of Grantham, while Matthew was an upper middle class lawyer in Manchester.

    • 3 min
    • Overview
    • Biography
    • Personality
    • Relationships
    • Robert Crawley =
    • Quotes
    • References

    "I will love you until the last breath leaves my body."

    —Matthew to his wife, Mary Crawley


    Matthew was the third-cousin, once-removed of Robert Crawley, fifth Earl of Grantham. His great-great-grandfather was the younger son of the third Earl of Grantham. His late father, Reginald Crawley, was a medical doctor who had done research on infections in children. Reginald Crawley trained, along with his future brother-in-law, Sir Edward Turnbull, under Matthew's maternal grandfather, Sir John Turnbull, who was also a medical doctor. His mother trained as a nurse during the Anglo-Boer War. Very little is known about Matthew's previous life. Born in 1885, he grew up in Manchester, Lancashire, as the son of an upper middle class doctor. He was educated at Radley College and then went on to Oxford where he studied law. He lived with his mother (his father having died sometime before 1912) while working as a solicitor specializing in industrial law. He met Lord Grantham once in London before being invited to move to Downton.

    Heir of the Downton Abbey Estate

    Matthew was a middle class lawyer from Manchester until he got a letter from Robert Crawley in 1912 that informed him that he was the heir to Robert's estate and would, eventually, be the 6th Earl of Grantham. He arrived at Downton Abbey in September 1912. When Matthew learnt that he was to be the heir of Robert, he tried to refuse it, but there was no legal means to do so. He and his mother Isobel travelled from Manchester, Lancashire to Downton village, where he found a job at a law firm in Ripon called Harvell and Carter. The eldest daughter of Lord Grantham, Mary, was less than pleased with Matthew's arrival; as a woman, she could not inherit the estate and title, so originally it had been planned for her to marry the previous heir, Patrick Crawley, but he drowned on the Titanic. Though she did not love Patrick, she had been raised around him and at least thought him of a better class than the distinctly middle-class Matthew. Matthew and Mary's relationship is further complicated by the fact that the first time they meet she overhears him referring to the possibility of the Crawley family's throwing one of their daughters at him, thus she initially resented and disliked him, assuming that he was arrogant, and even referred to him once as a "sea monster." Matthew Crawley had been raised middle class and saw no need for servants to do everything for someone. Local man Molesley had been hired as his valet, but Matthew stubbornly kept dressing himself. Over time, Matthew came to accept his life in Downton, though he was initially reluctant to admit that his life had changed. However, he came to help Robert run the estate while working, and grew to accept his fate. Although Matthew is taken with Mary from first sight, he slowly tries to build a friendship with her. As the months progress in 1913 and 1914, their relationship matures, and Mary slowly falls in love with Matthew. He eventually proposes in 1914, but Mary decided to wait to give him an answer, as she was having trouble trying to tell him of her relationship with Kemal Pamuk, believing that not to tell him would be a lie, and if he found out, he would leave her. Matters were further complicated by the fact that Cora, who had last given birth eighteen years ago, became pregnant. If the baby were to be a boy, Matthew would be displaced as heir. Mary took advice from her aunt, Rosamund Painswick, who thought she should wait and see. Mary couldn't quite do this, and admitted to Matthew all the advice she had received, but her lack of an answer hurt Matthew, and he believed her lack of an answer was only due to his status as a middle-class country lawyer, and possible displacement of being the heir. After Cora miscarries, and Mary continues to not give him her answer, Matthew on the verge of tears, retracts his proposal at the garden party, and tells Mary he is moving back to Manchester: "the experiment is at an end." He walks away, leaving Mary in tears, with only Carson to comfort her. Minutes later, Lord Grantham tells the garden party that Britain has declared war on Germany. It is August 4, 1914.

    The Great War

    When the First World War started, Matthew enlisted in the army, being ranked as Lieutenant Crawley, and stayed away from the Crawleys for two years. In 1916/1917 he was made an ADC of a British General and was promoted to the Rank of Captain. As a result, he went on a recruitment drive in Northern England. During the war he met his future fiancée Lavinia Swire, the daughter of a solicitor. He briefly returned to Downton to introduce her to the Crawleys in 1916, before leaving for the front again. Early in the morning at the train station before he boarded, Mary surprises him, by being the only one there to see him off. Mary gives him a good luck charm, a stuffed dog from her childhood, kissed him on a cheek, and asked him to take care. Despite this exchange, the two kept their lingering feelings for each other hidden, especially since Mary was now being courted by Sir Richard Carlisle. Back in the trenches, when Matthew is on patrol or about to fight, he rather than putting Lavinia's framed photo in his pocket, he always puts Mary's good luck dog with him. In 1917, upon the urging of Lord Grantham, Mary writes Matthew a letter that arrives in the trenches. Matthew is upset to receive a letter from her informing him that she is now engaged to Sir Richard. Although Matthew himself is engaged, the news deeply shakes him, and he tells William (Downton's footman who is now Matthew's batman in the war), that he wants to go out on patrol with him only. William questions Matthew about this abrupt decision. While on patrol, they are outflanked by the German Infantry, causing them to be reported as missing in action. Robert hears the news, and only tells Edith. Robert is very shaken up by this, telling Bates that he "loves Matthew like a son." Later Edith feels she needs to inform Mary about Matthew being missing, not to be spiteful, but because she knows Mary still loves him, and Edith wants to prepare her. Unfortunately, she tells Mary this news right before she is to perform a duet (Edith on piano, Mary as the singer) for the recovering wounded at Downton. Matthew and William both turn up at Downton Abbey while Mary is performing the song "If you were the only girl in the world." Mary is extremely relieved that Matthew is safe, and Matthew joins in with Mary to finish the song. Although they clearly love each other, Matthew asks about her engagement and saddens Mary when he tells her he is anxious to go to London to see Lavinia while on brief leave. In 1918, he fought at the Battle of Amiens, where he and William Mason were caught by a falling shell during a charge. Bravely, William threw himself in front of Matthew, protecting Matthew from the blast, but in doing so, the two fall down into a muddy ditch, with William falling on top of Matthew, with Matthew's back hitting a broken wood wagon wheel below. This heroic act saved Matthew's life. Molesley wakes Robert up to inform him about William and Matthew's serious injuries. Mary is heartbroken, but relieved he is still alive. Both of them are sent back to Downton. Although William does not appear injured, he has sustained serious lung damage, and the doctor warns both his father and Williams' love Daisy, that he will surely die. William is then transferred to one of the Abbey's bedrooms to rest, rather than in hospital, where he marries Daisy on his death bed. Matthew is transported to the Downton hospital upon arrival where Sybil Crawley and Mary were waiting. After being cleaned, dressed, and rested, his mother Isobel returned from France to see him. Mary devotes herself to being Matthew's nurse. Doctor Clarkson later informed Robert that Matthew had sustained spinal cord damage and that he believed Matthew would not only never walk again, but never be able to father children. Mary later told Matthew that his spinal cord had been damaged after asks her repeatedly what is wrong with him, and Matthew realizes he is paralyzed from the waist down. After deducing himself that he was likely impotent, Matthew broke off his engagement with Lavinia so she would not have to spend the rest of her life as his childless nurse. During his recovery, he was nursed by Mary in hospital and then at Downton Abbey, which caused friction in her relationship with Sir Richard. As the war ended on November 11, 1918, Matthew began to feel sensation coming back into his legs, but only informed John Bates, who sustained leg injuries in the Boer War with Robert, and swore Bates to secrecy. Bates helps Matthew as well, wheeling him around, and helping him into his small hospital bed that has been put into a small Downton bedroom for his use.

    Matthew was a good and kind man who often did what he did for the sake of others rather than himself. While in the begining he was uncomfortable with his sudden change of life, going from an upper-middle class lawyer of Manchester to the new heir of Downton, it took to Matthew not much time to adaptate to his new life, although he felt he was a stranger in the family due to being a distant relative of Robert and his family who was trespassing them, he eventually became another member of the Crawley's, bonding with most of them, but specially with Robert and Mary.

    Since he never had privileges and having to work very hard to become a lawyer, Matthew sometimes acted out of "label", such as refusing to let Moseley do his work as a valet helping him to dress, eat or drink, However, after a conversation with Robert, Matthew fully accepted their style of life, although he never saw himself as an aristoctat. For this reason he felt frustrated and dissapointed when Mary doubted of marrying him when they learned about Cora's pregnancy, which would've meant the loss of his position as the heir but after she suffered a miscarriage Mary was certain about accepting his proposal, feeling that she wanted because he remained as her father's heir. Also, since he wasn't born on a wealthy family he was more catious and realistic about the management of finances, after the war he was aware that nothing was before and Downton should be managed more carefully and avoid too much expenses, something that Robert refused to admit due to living in a time where his money was more than enough to keep Downton intact and where they could hire more servants with little concern about the money it would be spent on that person

    Unlike Robert, who was aware times were changing but mostly relied on his old traditions, Matthey was more open-minded and tolerant. He was also very supportive and loyal to those he cared about. Despite initially withdrawing his proposal to Marry, he still cared about her wanting to see her happy and find someone who could love and make her feel happy, and even after learning about Mary's secret regarding Mr. Pamuk and his death on her bedroom, instead of feeling disgusted or loathing Mary, Matthew remained supportive telling her that didn't justify to be blackmailed by Carslile and forced to get married with a man she didn't love. When Matthew was injured and suffered a wound on his spine that would make him unable to walk again he wanted to let Lavinia go since he could't "properly marry her" and give her the life she always wanted and would regret if she stayed with him on his condition. Even when he successfully recovered from his wound and came to walk again he refused to break his engagement with Lavinia because he considered that would be cold and heartless when she was willing to marry him and stay by his side taking care of him with no hope of forming a family, showing that he was also a very honorable man. After Lavinia died, Matthew felt very guilty and responsable of her death because shortly before she saw him and Mary dancing and sharing a pasionate kiss, he also initially refused to accept the inheritance Reggie (Lavinia's father) gave him, feeling that he wouldn't be different from a thief who steals someone's money and his values made him unable to do so until Mary convinced him when they learned the letter he got was genuine. He was also the only one with Mary that helped Tom to be accepted on the family becoming close friends, asking Tom to be his best men for his wedding and supporting him on his decision to babtize his daughter as a Catholic. Like he said to Rose, Matthew saw himself as a defender of the downtrodden, helping her to get out of trouble by asking her politely to return from the club she was to her aunt Rosemund's house.

    He treated all the staff members as equals since he felt he wasn't different from them. Helped Anna to defend Mr. Bates on his trial working side by side with Murray to release him from prision. While at his arrival to Downton most of the staff were unsure to accept him as the new heir due to being a complete stranger to all of them, they eventually came to see him as part of the family with Carson saying to Mary that they were all very fond to Matthew. When he was fighting in WWI he was capable of bonding with Thomas, who was serving shortly before he did, and with William, and after he was wounded Thomas felt sorry for him and even said that he was a better man than the rest, Matthew also felt sad for William's death and said that he shouldn't have died.

    As a lawyer, Matthew was very intelligent and clever. Mary once said to Rosemund that he could become Lord Chancellor if he wanted and most of the time he demonstrated to be advanced to their era, doing a complete reconstruction of the cottages of Downton which would allow the farmers and the rest of workers to have a place to live near to where they work. He also was the master mind of Downton's modernization after realizing the state was being mismanaged in order to prevent another financial crisis like they had previously that was resolved only because he used the money he got from Reggie and invested in the state.

    Matthew also had an impulsive and aggresive side. In New Year's celebration of 1920, after Carlisle mentioned Lavinia and said that she knew Matthew didn't love him, he snapped and began a brawl to the point of exchanging blows between them. He was also capable of saying harsh words to others, accusing Mary of falsifying Reggie's letter so he could accept the money and use it as a solution to save Downton from their finantial crisis. Despite this, he was able to act humble and selflessly, appointing Tom as his best man since he promised him that they had to look after each other if they were marrying the Crawley girls. Matthew also stepped in and tried to advice Michael Gregson about his relationship with Edith due to the fact he was still married and his prospects for Edith wasn't exactly the best for her, fully aware Robert would never allow them to have a relationship because that would mean Edith would be no more than a mistress and he won't tolerate it.

    Mary Crawley

    "I fall more in love with you every day that passes " —Matthew to his wife At their less-than-cordial first meeting, Mary snidely remarked that the idea of him being the new heir is a joke. Even though Mary refused to acknowledge him, and often made rude remarks about his middle-class life, he fell in love with her immediately. Eventually they got more acquainted and slowly became friends. After he saved Lady Sybil from a riot (Episode Six), while Sybil was upstairs dealing with her furious parents, Mary and Matthew had their first opportunity to be alone together, over sandwiches. Mary remarked that he "must be careful not to break Sybil's heart" and that she thought Sybil "has a crush on him." Matthew replied that, "no one could accuse you (Mary) of that" meaning, of having a crush on him. Mary replied, "Oh, I don't know". This shocked Matthew by her admitting out-of-the-blue, that she had a crush, and more, on him. They finally shared a passionate kiss, and off-camera, Matthew proposed. Mary told her stunned mother that she was in love with Matthew, and probably had been longer than she had admitted to herself. She took time to think it over, only because she was worried that she would have to tell him that she lost her virginity to the Turkish diplomat, Kemal Pamuk, who died of a heart attack in her bed, right after sleeping with Mary. Later her aunt (Mary's father's sister, Rosamund Painswick), reminded Mary that Matthew was only a middle-class solicitor, he was not rich or powerful at all, and said she would be bored with him. Ultimately, Mary decided to wait before giving Matthew her decision, which was further complicated by her mother's unexpected pregnancy. If the baby was a boy, then Matthew would no longer be the heir and Mary would simply be the wife of a middle-class lawyer. The delay caused Matthew to doubt her feelings and he withdrew his proposal. At the start of Series 2, he is engaged to a Miss Lavinia Swire. However, he breaks off this engagement after he is told that he can never have sexual relations or walk due to his injury. Mary, though she is also newly engaged to Sir Richard, becomes his primary caregiver, until Lavinia is secretly invited back to Downton by Cora and Sir Richard. When Lavinia trips over a footstool, Matthew steadies her without realising that he is standing up. He slowly begins to recover and they announce they are again to be married at Downton in April 1919. On the night of their announcement, Violet tells Matthew that Mary is still in love with him, but he knows that his loyalties lie with Lavinia, even though his love for Mary has been re-ignited, especially when she cared for him in the hospital and in his wheel chair. In the Series 2 finale, both Cora and Lavinia contract Spanish flu and must remain bed-ridden at Downton. While Lavinia recuperates, Matthew talks to Mary and suddenly apologises for breaking up with her, and admits he is in love with her (Mary) before they share a passionate kiss while dancing privately. However, Lavinia leaves her sick bed and comes downstairs, and sees them kissing. Lavinia later confronts Matthew while in sick bed, about not only what she saw, but what she heard him say. Her condition suddenly worsens only a short time later, and on her deathbed, she alludes to the fact that Matthew won't have to make the decision between her and Mary, as she knows she is near death. She only wishes Matthew happiness and for him to remember her fondly. Matthew is convinced that he killed Lavinia because she heard and saw what he did with Mary. He tells Mary at the graveyard that their life together is "cursed" and that it is the "end for both of them." Sir Richard helps a distraught Mary walk back to her home. In the Christmas special, everyone heralds the start of the 1920s. Cora reveals to Robert that Mary is only marrying Sir Richard as he has threatened to expose details of her one night stand with Pamuk. Robert later talks to Mary and gives her permission to call off the engagement. Mary tells Matthew what had happened between her and Kemal Pamuk, which leaves him absolutely stunned. However, he tells Mary that he never would, and never could, despise her. Matthew's mother Isobel urges Matthew to "fight" for Mary. Matthew later interrupts an argument between Mary and Sir Richard after Mary calls off the engagement. When Sir Richard makes another threat, Matthew literally does fight for her, by punching Richard in the face. Matthew does this after Sir Richard informs Mary and Matthew that Lavinia supposedly told him years ago that she knew Matthew was still in love with Mary, and that Lavinia was worried. Lavinia supposedly told Richard that she was just waiting for Mary and Matthew to admit it so they (Lavinia and Richard) could find true love with others. Matthew and Richard fight, breaking a very valuable vase before being stopped by Robert, with his typical classic line "stop this at once!"  Sir Richard leaves Downton the following day, and Mary apologizes for using him. Later that night Matthew asks Mary if she will reconsider going to America if he asks her to stay at Downton. He then assures her that her history with Pamuk and his disastrous ending with Lavinia will never come between them in their present and future life together. Astonished and delighted, Mary accepts his formal proposal of marriage, but makes Matthew get down on his knee, something he did not do six years previously. In the third season, Matthew is set to wed Mary, but disagreements lead to arguments for them. Mary wishes to remain living at Downton. Matthew however wishes to live further away, in a much simpler manner, knowing the future is changing and uncertain. In terms of rescuing Downton, he sees his principles and morals as having priority, which further upsets Mary to the point that Matthew does not believe she will show up at their wedding ceremony. She does, however, and they are married and go on a honeymoon in France. Matthew forms a friendship with Tom Branson, the former chauffeur who married Lady Sybil. He asks Tom to be his best man, and he also tries to help him fit in into the Crawley family. Matthew receives word that Lavinia's father has named him his heir, but he still feels guilty about Lavinia's death so he refuses to claim his inheritance, causing friction in his relationship with his wife. When he receives a letter from the dead man, he refuses to read it, and is angry when Mary does. When the letter explains that Mr. Swire had known all that passed between his daughter and Matthew, he refuses to believe it until Mary finds evidence that Lavinia posted a letter the very day she died. Matthew then claims the money and invests it in the estate, becoming co-owner of Downton while Tom becomes the estate's agent after the original agent resigns. Mary and Matthew finally become increasingly closer and loving after Sybil's death, but continue to struggle to conceive a child. Matthew blames himself, since he was impotent and paralyzed after being injured near the end of WWI. Cora sends Mary to a fertility doctor in London and Mary discovers the issue was on her side. She has an operation to correct it. Both Mary and Matthew secretly go to the same fertility doctor in London. Upon Matthew leaving his appointment, he finds Mary checking in. Mary tells Matthew reluctantly about her operation, and that the doctor thinks she will become pregnant soon. Mary becomes pregnant around January 1921. She gives birth three weeks early, in September 1921, and only moments after Matthew meets his son (George Crawley) for the first time, dies in a car accident racing back to Downton Abbey to tell the entire family about their new heir.

    Lavinia Swire

    Lavinia Swire was Matthew's fiancée during the war. She contracted the Spanish Influenza and witnessed Matthew and Mary dancing together and kissing. She then confronts Matthew on her deathbed and told him what she saw and heard and that she loved him very much and wanted to marry him, but she postpones their wedding as he loves Mary. In her final moments, Lavinia tells Matthew to be happy for her sake and to remember her fondly before dying. At her funeral, Matthew is tortured with guilt and remorse and believes that he killed Lavinia and that she died of a broken heart.

    Tom Branson

    During series one and two, Matthew and Tom's relationship was a normal relationship between a member of the family and a servant. When it appeared that Sybil had a crush on Matthew when he saved her from a rally in Ripon, Tom was jealous. In series three, after Tom and Sybil's wedding, Matthew and Tom become close friends, because Matthew wanted to help him to fit in with the Crawleys and even asked him to be the best man at his wedding with Mary. After Sybil's death, Matthew and Tom become best friends and start to develop plans for a new management for Downton Abbey. Matthew teaches Tom to play cricket and the two bond with their father-in-law, Robert Crawley.

    Matthew and Robert are distant cousins, although they never met before until Robert's heir Patrick Crawley was confirmed as one of the victims of the Titanic in 1912. Shortly after learning about him thanks to a research made by Mr. Murray, Matthew receives a letter from Robert and moves to Downton using the Crawley House as his new residence. Despite being new and a stranger to the family, Robert genuinely welcomes him and Isobel and helps Matthew to adapt to his new style of life. Most of Series 1, Robert was almost the only one Matthew talks to and builds a very close relationship with him, becoming like a father for him while Roberts starts to see him as a surrogate father.

    In Series 2, Matthew and Robert are closer than before. Robert trusts him enough to tell Matthew about how dissapointed he felt when he found out he was never going to go back to war. When Matthew and William are missing after they were patroling and got themselves ambushed by germans, Roberts tries to locate him and cannot hide his fear of losing him, both as his heir and as the son he never had even saying that he loves him very much, and when Matthew finally arrives he is very relieved. After Matthew was crippled, Robert becomes a great support for him and even when apparently Patrick was still alive Robert refused to reconsider to have Matthew as his heir. Matthew appreciates everything Robert does for him and can't even express the grattitude he has for him. When Lavinia dies, Robert tries to comfort him asking Matthew if there is anything he can do to help him.

    Series 1

    •"It's from Lord Grantham...He wants to change our lives." - to Isobel Crawley. •"They're clearly going to push one of the daughters at me. They'll have fixed on that when they heard I was a bachelor." - to Isobel Crawley, moments before meeting Lady Mary. •"When it comes to Cousin Mary, she is quite capable of doing her own flinging, I assure you." - to Isobel Crawley. •"It seems we must brush up on our powers of fascination." - to Evelyn Napier, talking about Lady Mary's attraction to Kemal Pamuk. •"Maybe I'll shine by comparison." - to Lady Mary at the Downton flower show •"If you really like an argument...we should see more of each other." - to Lady Mary while sitting next to her on a bench in the garden •"Don't play with me. I don't deserve it." - to Lady Mary. •"Do you love me enough to spend your life with me? If you don't, then say no. If you do, then say yes." - to Lady Mary •"I cant be sure, of you or of anything, it seems." - to Lady Mary as he breaks his engagement with her. •"You've shown me I've been living in a dream and it's time to return to real life. Wish me luck with it, Mary, God knows I wish the best for you." - to Mary as he withdraws his proposal.

    Series 2

    •"I hardly know him, but I'm sure I'll like him when I do. That's if he's good to you. If he's not, then he has me to answer to." - talking to Mary about Sir Richard Carlisle •"You have been taking those logic pills again. We're in the army, Mason, we're going on a patrol because we're going on patrol." - talking to William in the trenches •"I keep thinking about William, and how he should be here. Not exactly instead of me, but sacrifice should be rewarded." - to Mary as she wheels him around the estate. •"You know cousin Violet came to me. Told me to marry you." - telling Mary about her grandmother's views on their relationship •"Well I couldn't could I? However much I might want to." - refering to Violets wish to break off the engagement with Lavinia and confesion that he still loves Mary •"You don't have to marry him, you know. You don't have to marry anyone. You'll always have a home here as long as I'm alive." - to Mary after he overheard an argument between her and Sir Richard •"Wanted to find out what you meant when you said you had to marry Carlisle and that I would despise you if I knew the reason" "Please tell me" - to Mary on why she still wanted to marry Carlisle even though she dislikes him. •"Go, stay, you must sack Carlisle." - to Mary about Richard Carlisle. •"I never would, I never could despise you." -to Mary •"Even so, you must not marry him." - to Mary when he talks to her about calling off her engagement with Sir Richard. •"Would you stay, if I asked you too?" - asking Mary to stay instead of going to America •"You've lived your live and I've lived mine. Now it's time we live them together." - indirect proposal to Mary •"Lady Mary Crawley, Would you do me the honor in becoming my wife?" - to Mary as he proposes for the second time.

    Series 3

    •"I'm looking forward to all sort of things." - talking to Mary about life after their wedding •"It's because of something Tom said. That I won't be happy with anyone else as long as you walk the earth. Which is true! And...I think you feel the same about me." " Can I kiss you? Because I need to...very much! " - talking to Mary at her bedroom's door the night before their wedding •"You came. To be honest I wasn't completely sure you would." - to Mary at the altar. •"So there's a country boy inside the revolutionary. " - to Tom Branson upon learning Tom's grandfather was a sheep farmer. •"You're on my team, now." - to his wife. •"This is somewhat like the outer circle to Dante's Inferno." - to Lady Rosamund Painswick and Lady Edith while entering the "Blue Dragon" •"I'm on the side of the downtrodden." - to Lady Rose MacClare. •"Come here." *Holds out hand* Mary- You'll make me untidy." Matthew- *smiles* "Good." - talking to Mary in their bedroom •"Well I must take one thing for granted. That I will love you until the last breath leaves my body." - to Mary •"You'll be my Mary always, because mine is the true Mary." - to Mary Crawley after the birth of his son. •"Do you ever wonder how happy you've made me? And I want to tell you that I fall more in love with you every day that passes!" - telling Mary about his feeling after the birth of their son.

    1.The Series 1 Script for Episode 2 has Isobel say that her father and brother were called "Sir John Turnbull" and "Dr Edward Turnbull" respectively.

    2.Matthew's grave reveals his middle name is Reginald, as seen here (slide 1, number 2/10)

    3.Matthew's grave confirms he is born in 1885, as seen here (slide 1, number 2/10)

    4.Dan Stevens Why I Left Downton Abbey at The Telegraph

    5.January 1921 is eight months before September 1921, so that is when she fell pregnant as she was eight months pregnant when she gave birth.

    6.Press Release: Downton Abbey Christmas 2012,, Wednesday, 26 December 2012, 7:56PM

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  3. 12 de fev. de 2022 · After a rocky introduction, Lady Mary and Matthew Crawley became friends and eventually fell in love with each other. Watch some of the best moments of their love story. This is the official...

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  4. 28 de mai. de 2021 · Um dos momentos mais chocantes da série britânica “Downton Abbey” é a morte de Matthew Crawley na terceira temporada, um “plot twist” que deixou os fãs inconsoláveis. Mesmo anos após o final da série, o público guarda rancor pelo personagem ter falecido em um acidente de carro, horas após seu filho com Lady Mary Crawley ...

  5. Isobel é a mãe de Matthew Crawley, que, antes de sua morte repentina, era o herdeiro de Downton. A família Crawley tinha muitos conflitos com ela por conta dos valores mais liberais de Isobel. Enfermeira aposentada, Isobel dedicava seu tempo à caridade e ajudou Cora a liderar seu lar.

  6. Em 16 de Setembro passado, finalmente foi ao ar o episódio que mostra o casamento de Lady Mary com seu primo Matthew Crawley que é o herdeiro presuntivo do título e propriedades da família (lembram-se dos filmes Sense and Sensibility e Pride and Prejudice de Jane Austen?