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  1. Pécs (Pečuj ou Печуј em sérvio, Pečuh em croata, Fünfkirchen em alemão, Päťkostolie em eslovaco, Peçuy em turco) é uma cidade e um condado urbano (megyei jogú város em húngaro) da Hungria, localizada no sudoeste do país. Pécs é a capital do condado de Baranya e a quinta maior cidade do país.

  2. › wiki › PécsPécs - Wikipedia

    Pécs (/ p eɪ tʃ / PAYTCH, Hungarian: ⓘ; Croatian: Pečuh; German: Fünfkirchen, pronounced [fʏnfˈkɪʁçn̩] ⓘ; also known by alternative names) is the fifth largest city in Hungary, on the slopes of the Mecsek mountains in the country's southwest, close to the border with Croatia.

  3. › wiki › PécsPécs – Wikipédia

    Pécs Közép-Európában, a Kárpát-medencében fekszik. Magyarország legdélebbi megyéje, Baranya vármegye központjában található, északról a Mecsek magasodik a város fölé, déli irányban a Baranyai-dombsághoz tartozó Pécsi-síkság terül el. Jelentős ásványkincs lelőhely. Pécs szénbányászati múltja jelentős.

    • Philosophy
    • Pecs Protocol
    • Effectiveness
    • Additional Applications
    • Bibliography

    The training protocol is based on the principles of applied behavior analysis. The goal of PECS is spontaneous and functional communication. The PECS teaching protocol is based on B. F. Skinner's book, Verbal Behavior, such that functional verbal operants are systematically taught using prompting and reinforcement strategies that will lead to indep...

    Reinforcer inventory: Prior to implementing the PECS protocol, it is highly recommended that the teacher, parent, or caregiver develops an inventory of items such as toys, books, and edibles that the learner enjoys. Preferred items are presented to the learner to determine which one(s) they want. This preference assessment is completed throughout t...

    There is evidence that PECS is easily learned by most students, with its primary benefit being a means of communication for children and adults who have limited or no speech due to autism or other communication disorders. With regard to the intervention setting for AAC training, there is evidence that PECS is most readily learned when instruction t...

    There is emerging research that suggests adults with developmental disabilities and severe communication deficits may benefit from the implementation of PECS. Others tried to combine PECS training with video modeling.Research conducted by David F Cihalk Et al. combined the use of PECS and video modeling to increase independent communicative initiat...

    Bondy, A.S. 2001. "PECS: Potential benefits and risks." The Behavior Analyst Today2:127-132.
    Mirenda, P. 2001. "Autism, Augmentative Communication, and Assistive Technology: What Do We Really Know?" Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities16(3):141-151.
    Hart, S., and Banda, D.R. 2010. "Picture Exchange Communication System With Individuals With Developmental Disabilities: A Meta-Analysis of Single Subject Studies." Remedial and Special Education.3...
    Vicker, B. 2011. "What is the "Picture Exchange Communication System" or PECS?" Autism Support Network. Retrieved from:
  4. › wiki › PécsPécs – Wikipedia

    Pécs, deutsch Fünfkirchen, ist mit 138.420 Einwohnern die fünftgrößte Stadt Ungarns und Sitz des Komitats Baranya und hat selber Komitatsrecht. Sie liegt nahe der kroatischen Grenze. Die Stadt ist Bischofssitz und Sitz einer Universität sowie Zentrum der Donauschwaben und Heimat von neun ethnischen Minderheiten mit eigenen ...

  5. › wiki › PécsPécs - Wikipedia

    Pécs (distaget en hungareg; Fünfkirchen en alamaneg, Quinque Ecclesiae e latin, Pečuh e kroateg, Печуј e serbeg) zo ur gêr vras eus Hungaria, gant 157 000 a annezidi (e 2009). Ar pempvet kêr vrasañ eus ar vro eo ha pennlec’h kontelezh Baranya .

  6. › wiki › PécsPécs — Wikipédia

    Pécs (hongrois : Pécs [ˈpeːʧ] ; allemand : Fünfkirchen ; anciennement en français Cinq-Églises [1]) est une localité hongroise, ayant le rang de ville de droit comital et siège du comitat de Baranya.