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  1. King's College was founded on its present site in 1926. The premises were damaged in World War II and rebuilt and refurnished after the war.

  2. King's College (Chinese: 英皇書院), often referred to simply as King's or K.C., is a boys' government-operated secondary school located at 63A Bonham Road, Mid-levels, Hong Kong. It serves as a secondary education institution for pupils from forms 1–6.

  3. King's College was founded on its present site in 1926. The premises were damaged in World War II and rebuilt and refurnished after the war. Since then the classical structure has retained its facades of grey granite columns against a background of red bricks, arched corridors and sunken garden.

  4. 中一候補生申請 Application of S.1 Place after the Release of SSPA Results. 申請表格 Application Form.

  5. 英皇書院 King's College. 辦學宗旨:推廣全人教育,德、智、體、群、美五育。 全面照顧學生需要,協助學生發掘多元潛能,均衡發展;提供一個紀律嚴明、誘發學習和培養進取精神的學習環境。 英皇書院外觀照片. 學校位置 :中西區 › 香港西環般咸道63號A。 學校地圖 。 學校類別. 官立、男校;位於中西區. 香港有 31 間官立中學,佔整體約 7%;香港有 29 間男子中學,佔整體約 6%;了解更多: 中學分佈圖表 。 全港中學分佈詳述 。 創校歷史. 1926 年創立,辦學團體:香港特區政府. 校訓:慎思篤行 。 學校校徽 。 教學情況. 教學人員總數 55 人;中一有 4 班。 其中 53 人是核准編制內。 中一至中六的班數分別是: 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4。

    • King's College, Hong Kong1
    • King's College, Hong Kong2
    • King's College, Hong Kong3
    • King's College, Hong Kong4
    • King's College, Hong Kong5
  6. King's has a long history of welcoming students from East Asia, with over 7,000 students from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and Mongolia across all levels of study, contributing to a vibrant international community situated in the centre of one of the most exciting cities in the world, and making King's a preferred ...

  7. 英皇書院英語: King's College )是一家位於香港 西半山 般咸道的官立 男子中學 ,為香港傳統名校之一。 般咸道的校舍以紅磚建成,屬 愛德華時代 新古典主義 風格的英式學校建築,是香港現存歷史最悠久的官立中學校舍,目前除新翼外的整座英皇書 ...