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  1. The Empire of Trebizond, or Trapezuntine Empire, was a successor state of the Byzantine Empire that existed during the 13th through to the 15th century. The empire consisted of the Pontus, or far northeastern corner of Anatolia, and portions of southern Crimea.

  2. O Império de Trebizonda (em grego: Βασίλειον τῆς Τραπεζοῦντος) foi um império criado ainda antes da tomada de Constantinopla pela Quarta Cruzada. Esse império, que durou de 1204 a 1461, era independente do Império Bizantino, apesar de ter alguns imperadores em comum.

  3. › wiki › TrabzonTrabzon - Wikipedia

    The Empire of Trebizond was formed after Georgian expedition in Chaldia, commanded by Alexios Komnenos a few weeks before the sack of Constantinople in 1204. Located at the far northeastern corner of Anatolia, it was the longest surviving of the Byzantine successor states.

  4. The siege of Trebizond was the successful siege of the city of Trebizond, capital of the Empire of Trebizond, by the Ottomans under Sultan Mehmed II, which ended on 15 August 1461. The siege culminated a lengthy campaign on the Ottoman side, which involved coordinated but independent manoeuvres by a large army and navy.

  5. The Empire of Trebizond was a Byzantine state on the Black Sea coast, formed as a result of the Fourth Crusade in 1204. It lasted until 1461 when it was conquered by Mehmed II. Ruled by the Megas Komnenos Dynasty, who were descendants of the Byzantine Komenos emperors.

  6. 21 de mai. de 2019 · The Empire of Trebizond was an offshoot of the Byzantine Empire that existed from 1204 to 1461 CE, ruled by the Megas Komnenos Dynasty, descendants of the Komenos Byzantine emperors.

  7. Fontes. Davi de Trebizonda. Davi da Trebizonda ( Trebizonda, 1408 - Constantinopla, 1 de novembro de 1463) [ 1] foi o último imperador do Império de Trebizonda que reinou entre 1459 e 1461. Foi antecedido no trono por João IV da Trebizonda. Foi sucedido por Maomé II, o Conquistador, já sendo Trebizonda parte do Império Otomano.