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  1. O Collège des Quatre-Nations (em português Colégio das Quatro Nações) ou Collège Mazarin, é uma edificação barroca na Rive Gauche, com o Louvre na margem oposta do rio Sena, no centro de Paris (6.º arrondissement).

  2. The Collège des Quatre-Nations ("College of the Four Nations"), also known as the Collège Mazarin after its founder, was one of the colleges of the historic University of Paris. It was founded through a bequest by the Cardinal Mazarin.

  3. Le collège des Quatre-Nations est un ancien collège de l'université de Paris situé quai de Conti et abritant aujourd'hui le siège de l'Institut de France.

  4. O Collège des Quatre-Nations (em português Colégio das Quatro Nações) ou Collège Mazarin, é uma edificação barroca na Rive Gauche, com o Louvre na margem oposta do rio Sena, no centro de Paris (6.º arrondissement).

  5. The Collège Mazarin, more commonly referred to as the Collège des Quatre-Nations, was designed to house, inside the chapel of the Cardinal’s tomb, his library of over 40,000 works, passionately collected throughout his life.

  6. Collège des Quatre Nations. C’est en 1661 que le Cardinal Mazarin lègue sa fortune pour la fondation d’un collège destiné à l’instruction gratuite de « soixante gentilshommes des quatre nations réunis à l’obédience royale par le traité de Westphalie et le traité des Pyrénées ».

  7. 14 de jan. de 2003 · Collège des Quatre-Nations, was one of the colleges of the University of Paris. The building itself was built with baroque influences by Louis Le Vau (1612-1670). The completion of the college, its construction, and its opening in 1688 all happened during Louis XIV's reign (1643-1715).