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  1. The 1932 Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to the British author John Galsworthy (1867–1933) "for his distinguished art of narration which takes its highest form in The Forsyte Saga". When Galworthy was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, only the second English author to receive the award since its inception in 1901.

  2. As of 2023, there have been 29 English-speaking laureates of the Nobel Prize in Literature, followed by French with 16 laureates and German with 14 laureates. France has the highest number of Nobel laureates.

    Annie Ernaux (b. 1940)
    Abdulrazak Gurnah (b. 1948)
    Tanzania United Kingdom (born in the ...
    Louise Glück (1943–2023)
  3. The Nobel Prize in Literature 1932 was awarded to John Galsworthy "for his distinguished art of narration which takes its highest form in The Forsyte Saga "

  4. Laureados com o Nobel de Literatura. O Nobel de Literatura (em sueco: Nobelpriset i litteratur) é concedido anualmente pela Academia Sueca a autores que fizeram notáveis contribuições ao campo da literatura. É um dos cinco Prêmios Nobel criados em razão do desejo expresso pelo testamento de Alfred Nobel em 1895, atribuídos para ...

    • Events
    • New Books
    • Births
    • Deaths
    • Awards
    March – Captain W. E. Johns' character Biggles (James Bigglesworth) is introduced as an English World War I pilot in the short story "The White Fokker", in the first, April, issue of Popular Flying...
    April 26 – The 32-year-old American poet Hart Crane, in a state of alcoholic depression, throws himself overboard from the Orizababetween Mexico and New York; his body is never recovered.
    May – The first issue appears of the English journal of literary criticism Scrutiny: a quarterly review, edited by F. R. Leavis.


    1. Laura Adams Armer – Waterless Mountain 2. Henry Bellamann – The Richest Woman in Town 3. E.F. Benson – Secret Lives 4. Phyllis Bentley – Inheritance 5. Gerald Tyrwhitt-Wilson, 14th Baron Berners (as Adela Quebec) – The Girls of Radcliff Hall (privately circulated roman à clef) 6. Hermann Broch – The Sleepwalkers (Die Schlafwandler, trilogy completed) 7. Lynn Brock – Nightmare 8. John Buchan – The Gap in the Curtain 9. Pearl S. Buck – Sons 10. Edgar Rice Burroughs – Tarzan Triumphant 11. Er...

    Children and young people

    1. Laura Adams Armer – Waterless Mountain 2. W. E. Johns – The Camels Are Coming 3. Erich Kästner – The 35th of May, or Conrad's Ride to the South Seas(Der 35. Mai) 4. Arthur Ransome – Peter Duck 5. Alison Uttley – Moonshine and Magic 6. Laura Ingalls Wilder – Little House in the Big Woods 7. Ruth Plumly Thompson – The Purple Prince of Oz(26th in the Oz series overall and the 12th written by her)


    1. S. N. Behrman – Biography 2. Elias Canetti – Hochzeit(Wedding) 3. Noël Coward – Design for Living(premiered 1933) 4. Walter C. Hackett – Road House 5. Ian Hay – Orders Are Orders 6. Anthony Kimmins – While Parents Sleep 7. Edward Knoblock – Evensong 8. Ferdinand Kwasi Fiawoo – Toko Atolia 9. George S. Kaufman and Edna Ferber – Dinner at Eight 10. W. Somerset Maugham – For Services Rendered 11. Harrison Owen – Doctor Pygmalion 12. Ahmed Shawqi – Amirat el-Andalus(The Andalusian Princess) 13...

    January 2 – Jean Little, Canadian children's fiction author (died 2020)
    January 5 – Umberto Eco, Italian novelist and semiotician (died 2016)
    January 18 – Robert Anton Wilson, American novelist and playwright (died 2007)
    January 19 – George MacBeth, Scottish poet and novelist (died 1992)
    January 6 – Iacob Negruzzi, Romanian poet, columnist and memoirist (born 1842)
    January 12 – Ella Hepworth Dixon, English writer, novelist and editor (born 1857)
    January 21 – Lytton Strachey, English biographer (cancer, born 1880)
    January 28 – F. M. Mayor, English novelist (born 1872)
    James Tait Black Memorial Prize for fiction: Helen de Guerry Simpson, Boomerang
    James Tait Black Memorial Prize for biography: Stephen Gwynn, The Life of Mary Kingsley
    Newbery Medal for children's literature: Laura Adams Armer, Waterless Mountain
    Nobel Prize in literature: John Galsworthy
  5. The Nobel Prize in Literature 1932. Born: 14 August 1867, Kingston Hill, United Kingdom. Died: 31 January 1933, London, United Kingdom. Residence at the time of the award: United Kingdom. Prize motivation: “for his distinguished art of narration which takes its highest form in The Forsyte Saga ” Language: English. Prize share: 1/1. Life.

  6. The 1938 Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to the American author Pearl S. Buck (1892–1973) "for her rich and truly epic descriptions of peasant life in China and for her biographical masterpieces."