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  1. O Kuomintang é o sucessor do Tongmenghui de 1905, sendo reformado e colocado com Kuomintang após a Revolução Xinhai de 1911, que depôs a dinastia Qing ou manchu e estabeleceu uma república na China.

  2. › wiki › KuomintangKuomintang - Wikipedia

    The Kuomintang (KMT), also referred to as the Guomindang (GMD), the Nationalist Party of China (NPC) or the Chinese Nationalist Party (CNP), is a major political party in the Republic of China, initially based on the Chinese mainland and then in Taiwan since 1949.

  3. O Kuomintang foi o movimento republicano conduzido pelo Partido Nacionalista da China. O partido foi liderado pelo militar Chiang Kai-shek, que tentou a todo custo unificar a China, com a formação de um governo nacional.

  4. Kuomintang. Partido nacionalista chinês que realizou o seu primeiro congresso em 1924, sob a liderança de Sun Yat-sen. Chang Kai-shek foi o militar que herdou a liderança do partido nos anos que se seguiram. Era um homem decidido a reunificar a China, eliminando dois inimigos: os comunistas e os senhores da guerra.

  5. The Kuomintang of China (abbreviation KMT), also often translated as the Chinese Nationalist Party, is a political party in the Republic of China (ROC), known as Taiwan. It was the sole ruling party in China during the Republican Era from 1928 to 1949, when most of the Chinese mainland was under its control.

  6. The Kuomintang was a nationalist revolutionary party, which had been supported by the Soviet Union. It was organized on Leninism. The Kuomintang had several influences left upon its ideology by revolutionary thinking.