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  1. Boucher is known for his idyllic and voluptuous paintings on classical themes, decorative allegories, and pastoral scenes. He was perhaps the most celebrated painter and decorative artist of the 18th century.

  2. Pintor, gravador e desenhador francês nascido em 1703 e falecido em 1770. A sua obra é considerada representativa do período da pintura rococó na França. Boucher executou importantes trabalhos decorativos para a Coroa e tornou-se o principal desenhador das porcelanas reais.

  3. Boucher is known for his idyllic and voluptuous paintings on classical themes, decorative allegories, and pastoral scenes. He was perhaps the most celebrated painter and decorative artist of the 18th century.

  4. The soft pastels, beautiful surfaces, and sensual bodies of Boucher's paintings were highly prized by the French aristocracy. Even his commissioned portraits were commonly idealized, often transformed into allegorical treatments or mythological heroes and heroines.

  5. Pintor, gravador e desenhador francês nascido em 1703 e falecido em 1770. A sua obra é considerada representativa do período da pintura rococó na França. Boucher executou importantes trabalhos decorativos para a Coroa e tornou-se o principal desenhador das porcelanas reais. Em 1765 foi nomeado pintor de Luís XV.

  6. Paintings and Theater Boucher’s most original contribution to Rococo painting was his reinvention of the pastoral, a form of idealized landscape populated by shepherds and shepherdesses in silk dress, enacting scenes of erotic and sentimental love.

  7. 'Boucher's voluptuous paintings, with their pastel tones, silvery light and obvious delight in seductive subject matter are the perfect example of 18th-century Rococo.'