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  1. A Catedral de São Cristóvão de Havana (oficialmente: Catedral de la Virgen María de la Concepción Inmaculada de La Habana) é uma grande catedral católica romana da cidade de Havana, sendo sé da Arquidiocese homônima.

  2. Havana Cathedral (Catedral de San Cristóbal) is one of eleven Catholic cathedrals on the island. It is located in the Plaza de la Catedral on Calle Empedrado, between San Ignacio y Mercaderes, Old Havana, Havana, Cuba. The thirty by forty-nine meters rectangular church serves as the seat of the Archdiocese of San Cristóbal de la ...

  3. A catedral de Havana (1748 -1777), que domina a "Plaza de la Catedral" (1749) é o melhor do Barroco cubano. Rodeando-a estão os palácios dos Condes de Casa-Bayona (1720 -1746), Marqueses de Arcos (1746) e Marqueses de Águas Claras (1751 -1775).

  4. A Catedral de São Cristóvão de Havana é uma grande catedral católica romana da cidade de Havana, sendo sé da Arquidiocese homônima. O templo foi construído pelos Jesuítas entre 1748 e 1777 no local de uma antiga igreja.

  5. Die Kathedrale San Cristóbal (Catedral de San Cristóbal) ist eine römisch-katholische Domkirche in Havanna und eine von insgesamt elf katholischen Kathedralkirchen auf Kuba. Sie befindet sich im Stadtviertel La Habana Vieja an der Plaza de la Catedral und wurde in den Jahren 1748 bis 1777 erbaut.

  6. In Havana: City layout …to be restored was the Cathedral of Havana, the church of Havana’s patron saint, San Cristóbal (St. Christopher); it was constructed in the 18th century by the Jesuit order. Located near the waterfront, its ornate facade is regarded by art historians as one of the world’s finest examples of Italian… Read More

  7. Plaza de la Catedral (English: Cathedral Square) is one of the four main squares in Old Havana and the site of the Cathedral of Havana from which it takes its name. Originally a swamp, it was later drained and used as a naval dockyard.