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  1. 17 de ago. de 2014 · Esta composição retrata a segunda esposa de Picasso e última companheira, Jacqueline Roque. Ela foi uma das modelos mais retratadas pelo pintor espanhol, ficando atrás apenas de sua amante Marie-Thérèse Walter.

  2. Picasso criou muitas obras baseadas em Jacqueline, pintando em um só ano, cerca de 70 retratos. Fernande, Eva, Olga, Marie-Thérèse, Dora, Françoise, Geneviève e Jacqueline: oito mulheres. Um artista: Picasso.

  3. 8 de nov. de 2017 · Jacqueline Picasso ou Jacqueline Roque (24 de fevereiro de 1927 – 15 de outubro de 1986) era mais conhecida como musa e segunda esposa de Pablo Picasso. O casamento durou 11 anos até sua morte, período em que ele criou mais de 400 retratos dela, mais do que qualquer outro amor de Picasso.

  4. Jacqueline Picasso or Jacqueline Roque (24 February 1927 – 15 October 1986) was the muse and second wife of Pablo Picasso. Their marriage lasted 12 years until his death, during which time he created over 400 portraits of her, more than any of Picasso's other lovers.

  5. Jacqueline with flowers, 1954 by Picasso. Picasso met Jacqueline Roque in 1953 at the pottery when she was 27 years old and he was 72. He romanced her by drawing a dove on her house in chalk and bringing her one rose a day until she agreed to date him six months later.

  6. When Jacqueline Roque (1927–1986) appeared in Picasso’s life in 1952 she instilled a new creativity in his work and her image soon became a constant presence in his production.

  7. 5 de abr. de 2017 · Jacqueline inhabits our museum, in the permanent collection we can find her represented by Picasso in various works, but at the same time the Museu Picasso of Barcelona was one of the major benefactors; he donated 41 ceramic pieces and an oil painting, The woman in a bonnet (1961).