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  1. Travel writing may be found on web sites, in periodicals, on blogs and in books. It has been produced by a variety of writers, including travelers, military officers, missionaries, explorers, scientists, pilgrims, social and physical scientists, educators, and migrants.

  2. Literatura de viagem, também referida como literatura odepórica (do grego clássico: ὁδοιπορικός, "viagens" [ 1] ), é um gênero literário que consiste geralmente em uma narrativa acerca das experiências, descobertas e reflexões de um viajante durante seu percurso.

  3. This article is a travel topic. So you want to be a travel writer. It sounds like a dream job: free vacations to exotic far-off lands, a fat corporate credit card for paying all your expenses, a big paycheck as reward and your name on the spine of books at every airport in the world.

  4. What is travel writing? Travel writing, one may argue, is the most socially important of all literary genres. It records our temporal and spatial progress. It throws light on how we define ourselves and on how we identify others.

  5. Há 3 dias · Bringing together original contributions from scholars around the world, this volume traces the history of travel writing from antiquity to the Internet age. It examines travel texts of several national or linguistic traditions, introducing readers to the global contexts of the genre.

  6. Books. Travel Writing. An increasingly popular genre – addressing issues of empire, colonialism, post-colonialism, globalization, gender and politics – travel writing offers the reader a...