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  1. Officially known as members of the House of Romanov, descendants after Elizabeth are sometimes referred to as Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov. Paul I became the first heir to the throne, having the title “Tsa-tsarevich”, which was subsequently used for all main heirs.

  2. Das Haus Romanow-Holstein-Gottorp (Betonung auf der zweiten Silbe: [ rɐˈmanəf ]) war nach den Romanows und den Rurikiden die dritte Dynastie, aus der die russischen Zaren hervorgingen. Diese herrschten von 1762 bis 1917.

  3. Origens. Lista de soberanos da dinastia Romanov e Holsácia-Gottorp-Romanov. Ver também. Referências. Ligações externas. Dinastia Romanov. A Casa de Romanov ou Dinastia Romanov (em russo: Дом Рома́новых, transl. Dom Romanovykh ), foi a dinastia imperial reinante, que governou o Império Russo por oito gerações entre 1613 e 1762.

  4. The House of Romanov (Russian: Рома́нов) was the second and last imperial dynasty to rule over Russia. It ruled from 1613 until the February Revolution took away the crown in 1917. The later history of the Imperial House is sometimes referred to as the House of Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov.