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  1. Józef Ignacy Kraszewski (28 July 1812 – 19 March 1887) was a Polish novelist, journalist, historian, publisher, painter, and musician. Kraszewski wrote over 200 novels and several hundred novellas , short stories , and art reviews, making him the most prolific writer in the history of Polish literature and one of the most prolific ...

  2. Józef Ignacy Kraszewski herbu Jastrzębiec (ur. 28 lipca 1812 w Warszawie , zm. 19 marca 1887 w Genewie ) – polski pisarz , publicysta , wydawca , historyk , encyklopedysta , działacz społeczny i polityczny , współzałożyciel Macierzy Polskiej , autor z największą liczbą wydanych książek i wierszy w historii literatury polskiej ...

  3. Józef Ignacy Kraszewski was a Polish novelist, poet, literary critic, dramatist, historian, and journalist who was the dominant prose writer of Poland’s Romantic period. Kraszewski attended the University of Wilno (now V. Kapsukas State University), was imprisoned in 1830 on a charge of conspiracy.

  4. Pisarz, dziennikarz, malarz, rysownik, muzyk, kolekcjoner, autor ponad 600 książek, w tym 232 powieści, takich jak "Stara baśń" czy "Za Sasów", Józef Ignacy Kraszewski uchodzi za rekordzistę w polskiej literaturze. Urodzony 28 lipca 1812 w Warszawie, zmarł 19 marca 1887 w Genewie.

  5. Józef Ignacy Kraszewski was a writer, journalist, painter, illustrator, musician, and collector. He was born on 28th July 1812 in Warsaw, and he died on 19th March 1887 in Geneva. He was a writer with an impressive literary output.

  6. Józef Ignacy Kraszewski was a Polish writer, historian and journalist who produced more than 200 novels and 150 novellas, short stories, and art reviews (including painters, e.g., Michał Kulesza). He is best known for his epic series on the history of Poland, comprising twenty-nine novels in seventy-nine parts.

  7. ­. Józef Ignacy Kraszewski (1812 - 1887) was one of the most. important personages in Poland in the 19th century. The. exhibition offers extensive insight into the life of this versatile. author, along with the history and culture of Poland during the. epoch in which he lived. Current exhibitions of Kraszewski Museum.