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  1. Alexandre Mikhailovich Besredka (29 March 1870 – 28 February 1940) was a Ukrainian-French biologist and immunologist born in Odessa. In 1910 he became a citizen of France.

  2. Alexandre Mikhailovich Besredka nasceu em Odessa, na Ucrânia, em 27 de março de 1870. Formado em biologia em 1892, mudou-se no ano seguinte para Paris, iniciando carreira no Instituto Pasteur como assistente do imunologista russo Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov (ou Élie Metchnikoff).

  3. Later, Besredka made important contributions to the development of specific immunization against infection, notably in his studies on streptolysin and the use of sensitized vaccines.

  4. His name is linked to the development of a desensitization technique for averting anaphylactic shock during serum therapy, a procedure now known as the “Besredka method.” During World War I, he served as a medical officer at Verdun and Bar-le-Duc.

  5. Alexandre Mikhalovich Besredka est un médecin, biologiste et immunologue français, né à Odessa (alors en Russie) le 27 mars 1870 et décédé à Paris 15 e le 28 février 1940 [1]. Biographie. Besredka fait l'essentiel de sa carrière à l'Institut Pasteur, dont il devient directeur à la mort de Metchnikov [2].

  6. 1 de fev. de 2003 · How does the host sense pathogens? Our present concepts grew directly from longstanding efforts to understand infectious disease: how microbes harm the host, what molecules are sensed and,...

  7. The contribution of the schools of Koch and Pasteur: life, milestone-experiments and concepts of Richard Pfeiffer (Berlin) and Alexandre Besredka (Paris) J Endotoxin Res. 2002;8 (1):3-16.