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  1. Luís II ( 5 de outubro de 1377 — 29 de abril de 1417) foi Duque de Anjou, Conde do Maine, Provença e Piemonte, e Rei titular de Nápoles.

  2. Luís II foi Duque de Anjou, Conde do Maine, Provença e Piemonte, e Rei titular de Nápoles.

  3. Em 1290, Anjou constituiu o dote do casamento de Margarida da Sicília com Carlos de Valois e quando o seu filho Filipe VI se tornou rei de França, Anjou regressa à coroa. Anjou recuperou a independência relativa de França em 1356 com Luis, da casa de Valois, que se torna Duque em 1360 .

    • Early Life
    • Reign
    • Family

    Louis was the elder of the two sons of Louis I of Anjou and Marie of Blois. Louis I was a younger son of King John II of France who granted Anjou and Maine to him as hereditary appanage in 1360. The childless Queen Joanna I of Naples adopted Louis I as her son and heir in 1380, because she needed French support against her rival, Charles of Durazzo...


    Louis was only seven when his father died. His mother tried to persuade Louis' uncles Philip II of Burgundy and John of Berry to continue the military campaign against Naples. Bernabò Visconti supported her efforts, but both dukes refused to spend more money on the unsuccessful enterprise. The Duke of Burgundy clearly stated that "all these little ventures" should be forgotten. Bernabò Visconti was arrested by his nephew Gian Galeazzo Viscontion 6 May 1385, which put an end to negotiations ab...


    Antipope Clement VII crowned Louis king in the chapel of the Popes' Palace in Avignon on 1 November 1389. Charles VI of France and his younger brother, Louis of Touraine, were also present at the ceremony, demonstrating their support to Louis. Gian Galeazzo Viscontialso joined their alliance. Louis and his fleet of about 40 galleys sailed from Marseille in July 1390 and reached the Bay of Naples on 6 August. His troops captured the Castel Sant'Elmo in October, and the Castel Nuovo weeks later...

    In France

    Louis married his first cousin once removed Yolande of Aragon at the St. Trophime Cathedral in Arles on 2 December 1400. On the same day, she was crowned queen. This gave him a possibility of inheriting the throne of Aragon through her right.[citation needed] Her father, King John I of Aragon had died in 1396, and her uncle king Martin I of Aragondied in 1410. Louis founded a university in Aix-en-Provencein 1409. In 1409, Louis liberated Rome from Ladislaus' occupation; in 1410, as an ally of...

    Louis and Yolande had five surviving children: 1. Louis III of Anjou(1403–1434), titular King of Naples and Duke of Anjou. 2. Marie of Anjou (1404–1463), married 1422 at Bourges, King Charles VII of France. 3. René of Anjou(1409–1480), King of Naples and Duke of Anjou. 4. Yolande of Anjou (1412, Arles – 1440), married firstly Philip I, Duke of Brab...

  4. Luís I de Anjou ( Castelo de Vincennes, 23 de julho de 1339 — Bisceglie, 20 de setembro de 1384) foi conde (1351) e duque de Anjou e Touraine (1360), rei titular de Nápoles e conde da Provença (1382). Luís era o segundo filho do rei João II de França e de Bona de Luxemburgo e foi o fundador do ramo Valois no ducado angevino.

  5. 25 de jun. de 2020 · Após a morte de Luís XIV, em 1715, o trono era prometido ao bisneto do monarca falecido, Luís, Duque de Anjou. Porém, por ser muito novo, de acordo com o testamento do rei quem deveria tomar frente do reino francês era Filipe II, Duque de Orleans e o próprio Luís Augusto.

  6. Luís II de Anjou-Valois ( Toulouse, 5 de outubro de 1377 - Angers, 1 de maio de 1417), filho de Luís I, duque de Anjou, conde de Provence e Forcalquier, do Maine e rei titular de Nápoles desde 1382, e de Marie de Blois , filha de Carlos de Blois-Châtillon, duque da Bretanha e de Joana de Penthièvre, conforme confirmado por Anselme de ...