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  1. › wiki › MouseionMouseion - Wikipedia

    The Mouseion of Alexandria (Ancient Greek: Μουσεῖον τῆς Ἀλεξανδρείας; Latin: Musaeum Alexandrinum), which arguably included the Library of Alexandria, was an institution said to have been founded by Ptolemy I Soter and his son Ptolemy II Philadelphus.

  2. 12 de set. de 2021 · O Mouseion era o local da famosa Grande Biblioteca de Alexandria, que buscava reunir simplesmente todos os livros do mundo — e cuja perda foi provavelmente o maior desastre científico da História.

  3. O Museu de Alexandria [1] (em grego clássico: Μουσεῖον τῆς Ἀλεξανδρείας – trad.: “templo das Musas em Alexandria; instituição das Musas em Alexandria”; em latim: Musaeum Alexandriae) foi uma instituição religiosa e científica que existiu na cidade de Alexandria, no Antigo Egito.

  4. The Great Library of Alexandria in Alexandria, Egypt, was one of the largest and most significant libraries of the ancient world. The library was part of a larger research institution called the Mouseion, which was dedicated to the Muses, the nine goddesses of the arts.

  5. Library of Alexandria. Also called: the Museum, or Museum of Alexandria. Greek: Mouseion (“Seat of the Muses”) Date: 323 BCE. Areas Of Involvement: education. scientific research. Classical literature. science. Alexandrian Museum, ancient centre of classical learning at Alexandria in Egypt.

  6. El Museion (en griego antiguo: Μουσεῖον, literalmente, templo de las musas), Musaeum o Museo de Alejandría fue un centro dedicado a las musas, donde se había dispuesto de lo necesario para que los mejores poetas, escritores y científicos del Mundo Antiguo vivieran y trabajaran.

  7. 13 de jul. de 2016 · Durante a dinastia dos Ptolomeus, no Egito do século II antes de Cristo, a principal preocupação do mouseion de Alexandria era ensinar e discutir todo o saber enciclopédico existente na época...