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  1. › wiki › WormWorm - Wikipedia

    Most animals called "worms" are invertebrates, but the term is also used for the amphibian caecilians and the slowworm Anguis, a legless burrowing lizard. Invertebrate animals commonly called "worms" include annelids , nematodes , flatworms , nemerteans , chaetognaths , priapulids , and insect larvae such as grubs and maggots .

  2. Atualmente, se entende como verme o animal com o corpo alongado e/ou achatado e sem esqueleto interno ou externo. Não possuem membros, embora possam ter apêndices reduzidos na superfície para a locomoção. Diferentes tipos de vermes ocupam uma variedade de nichos.

  3. › wiki › EarthwormEarthworm - Wikipedia

    Class: Clitellata. Order: Opisthopora. Suborder: Lumbricina. An earthworm is a soil -dwelling terrestrial invertebrate that belongs to the phylum Annelida. The term is the common name for the largest members of the class (or subclass, depending on the author) Oligochaeta.

  4. › wiki › AnimalAnimal - Wikipedia

    The molluscs, the second-largest animal phylum by number of described species, includes snails, clams, and squids, while the annelids are the segmented worms, such as earthworms, lugworms, and leeches.

  5. Worms is a series of artillery tactical video games developed by British company Team17. In these games, small platoons of anthropomorphic worms battle each other across a destructible landscape with the objective being to become the sole surviving team.

  6. Toxocara canis (T. canis, also known as dog roundworm) is a worldwide-distributed helminth parasite that primarily infects dogs and other canids, but can also infect other animals including humans. The name is derived from the Greek word "toxon," meaning bow or quiver, and the Latin word "caro," meaning flesh.

  7. A worm is a bilateral animal. It usually has no arms or legs, and a slender cylinder-like body. Worms come in many different sizes. Some species are very small, while the bootlace worm has been known to grow up to nearly 60 meters (almost 200 feet). One of the best-known types of worms are earthworms.