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  1. social role, or a body of knowledge. Spencer and Spencer, who furthered Boyatzis‘ original work define competency as an ‗underlying characteristic of an individual that is causally related to criterion referenced effective and/or superior performance in a job or situation‘ (Spencer, 1993: 9).

  2. Hoy se usa mucho el concepto de competencias en el ámbito de RRHH y me parece conveniente rescatar los orígenes de este modelo, sobre todo porque como dice Mertens, existen varios modelos distintos, cada uno de los cuales define competencias de manera diferente. Al respecto me parece que los trabajos de Spencer y Spencer de 1991, donde, a su vez describe los trabajos de Mc Clelland, es un ...

  3. 1 de jan. de 2014 · The performance of organizations depends not only on the workforce competency, ... Spencer, 1993: 9). After ...

  4. The Classic Competency Study Approach In an attempt to conclude studies on competency modeling in the past 20 years, Spencer and Spencer (1993) evaluated findings from 286 studies of organizations from different industries (e.g., military, health care, education, etc.) and recommended three alternative techniques that can be used in future studies on competency development: (1.) the classic ...

  5. KAMUS KOMPETENSI ( Spencer & Spencer ) 1 TABEL TINGKAT KOMPETENSI UNTUK JABATAN ACHIEVEMENT AND ACTION : MERENCANAKAN & MENGIMPLEMENTASIKAN 1.KOMPETENSI: Definisi: Mencakup: SEMANGAT UNTUK BEPRESTASI atau UNTUK MENCAPAI TARGET KERJA ( ACHIEVEMENT ORIENTATION, ACH) Derajat kepedulian seseorang terhadap pekerjaannya sehingga ia terdorong berusaha untuk bekerja dengan lebih baik atau di atas ...

  6. Competence at Work by Spencer and Spencer - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. 3rd

  7. In the book Competence at Work Models for Superior Performance, the authors Lyle M. Spencer and Signe M. Spencer explain that a behaviour is incompletely defined without intent. The aspects of competencies which lie below the surface like attitude, traits, thinking styles etc directly influence the usage of knowledge and skills to complete a job effectively .