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  1. 拉德克利夫廣場(Radcliffe Square)是英格蘭 牛津市中心的一個廣場,周圍被牛津大學的歷史建築所環繞。 拉德克利夫廣場得名於英國醫生約翰·拉德克利夫,牛津畢業,成為國王的醫生,留下大筆遺產給大學和他的學院( 牛津大學大學學院 ),在南面的高街。

  2. Radcliffe Camera from street level in Radcliffe Square. Radcliffe dedicated £100 a year to furnishing his proposed library with books. Plans were prepared by Nicholas Hawksmoor and are now held in the Ashmolean Museum. By 1714, however, Radcliffe had settled on a different site for his new library, to the south of the existing Bodleian.

  3. La Cámara Radcliffe (coloquialmente, “Rad Cam”) es un edificio de Oxford, en Inglaterra, diseñado por James Gibbs en estilo paladiano inglés y construido entre 1737 y 1749 para albergar la Biblioteca Científica Radcliffe. El edificio fue financiado gracias a un legado de John Radcliffe, que murió en 1714, de 40 000 libras.

  4. Scooters and wheelchairs can be hired free of charge from the Shopmobility office, which can be booked over the telephone on 01865 263600 (Mon-Fri: 8am-5pm). Further information can be requested via email: Brief Description: Set in central Oxford, Radcliffe Square - named after John Radcliffe who left a large amount ...

  5. Brasenose faces the west side of Radcliffe Square opposite the Radcliffe Camera in the centre of Oxford. The north side is defined by Brasenose Lane, while the south side reaches the High Street. To the west is Lincoln College. At its south-east end, the college is separated from the University Church by St Mary's Passage.

  6. 1 de mar. de 2023 · The Radcliffe Library, as it was originally known, was built between the years of 1737 and 1749 using the generous £40,000 donated by Dr John Radcliffe. The library initially ran independently from the Bodleian Library, with a primary focus on natural history and medical books. Though in 1860, the running of the Radcliffe Library was taken ...

  7. Ann Radcliffe (Londres, 9 de julho de 1764 – 7 de fevereiro de 1823) foi uma escritora inglesa pioneira do romance gótico. Sua técnica de como explicar elementos sobrenaturais em seus livros foi o que elevou o gênero do romance gótico a um status respeitável na década de 1790.