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  1. Das Mariinski-Theater ( russisch Марии́нский теа́тр) ist eines der bekanntesten Opern- und Balletthäuser der Welt. Das Gebäude liegt am Sankt Petersburger Theaterplatz; viele wichtige russische Opern und Ballette wurden hier uraufgeführt. Es ist die Heimat des bei Auslandsauftritten immer noch gern so genannten Kirow-Balletts.

  2. The Mariinsky Theatre Orchestra or just the Mariinsky Orchestra (formerly known as the Kirov Orchestra) is located in the Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg, Russia. The orchestra was founded in 1783 during the reign of Catherine the Great, it was known before the revolution as the Russian Imperial Opera Orchestra.

  3. Kunst & Cultuur. Het Mariinskitheater ( Russisch: Мариинский театр, Mariinski teatr) is een toonaangevend opera - en ballethuis in Sint-Petersburg. Het staat sinds 1988 onder het artistiek leiderschap van Valeri Gergiev. Het theater draagt de naam van tsarina Maria Alexandrovna.

  4. The Mariinsky Theater Second Stage is the second part of a theatre complex which is made up of the original 1860 Mariinsky Theatre and the 2007 Mariinsky Theatre Concert Hall. The Second Stage has been completed and a gala concert celebrating the opening, and featuring performers Plácido Domingo, Rene Pape and Anna Netrebko, was presented on 2 ...

  5. Teatro Mariinskij. Il teatro Mariinskij (in russo Мариинский театр?) è un teatro di San Pietroburgo. Precedentemente denominato, in epoca sovietica, Teatro Kirov (in onore di Sergej Kirov) e, in epoca zarista ed oggi, teatro Mariinskij, esso deve il suo nome attuale all'imperatrice Maria Aleksandrovna [1], moglie di Alessandro ...

  6. The Concert Hall will host the third iteration of the Mariinsky Theatre hosts the Music Festival Brass of the White Nights from 2 to 6 July. This year’s line-up includes special guests from Germany, France and China, alongside the Mariinsky Theatre’s own artists and the Union Brass Band – a collective ensemble of esteemed instrumentalists.

  7. マリインスキー劇場 ( ロシア語: Мариинский театр ) は、 ロシア の サンクトペテルブルク にある オペラ と バレエ 専用の 劇場 。. ソビエト連邦 時代( 1924年 - 1991年 )は、「キーロフ劇場」と呼ばれていた。. マリインスキー劇場のメインホール ...