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  1. Giorgio Carlo Calvi, Count of Bergolo (Athens, 15 March 1887 – Rome, 25 February 1977) was an Italian general during World War II and the husband of Princess Yolanda of Savoy, the eldest daughter of King Victor Emmanuel III.

  2. Sposata in prime nozze Marianna dei conti Adami di Bergolo, Lazzaro ebbe da lei cinque figli, il primogenito dei quali, Pietro Giorgio (1798-1848), fu primo ufficiale del ministero degli Interni e Finanze e consigliere di Stato.

  3. Biografia. Partecipò alla prima guerra mondiale come ufficiale dei bombardieri, guadagnandosi sul campo una medaglia d'argento, tre di bronzo e una croce al valor militare. Negli anni immediatamente successivi al conflitto insegnò equitazione nella Regia scuola.

  4. On 9 April 1923 she married Giorgio Carlo Calvi, Count of Bergolo. After her marriage Yolanda lived in the town of Pinerolo, southwest of Turin. In 1946, Yolanda and her family went into voluntary exile with her father in Alexandria, Egypt.

  5. Battle of Kasserine Pass. Part of the Tunisian campaign of World War II. Men of the 2nd Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment of the U.S. 1st Infantry Division march through the Kasserine Pass and on to Kasserine and Farriana, Tunisia February 26, 1943. Date.

  6. She was considered a typical sex symbol during her film career, which she abandoned in 1957, after marrying Count Pier Francesco Calvi di Bergolo (born 22 December 1932, died 2012), son of Princess Iolanda di Savoia, first-born of Vittorio Emanuele III and Elena del Montenegro.

  7. Giorgio Carlo Calvi di Bergolo, né le 15 mars 1887 à Athènes, est issu de la famille d'origine savoyarde Calvi di Bergolo. Il participe à la Première Guerre mondiale comme officier de bombardier.