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  1. Dmitri y su única hermana, María, vivieron con su padre hasta 1902, cuando el gran duque Pablo se casó con una plebeya, Olga Karnóvich (luego princesa Paléi), y fue exiliado de Rusia por el zar. Al gran duque no se le permitió llevarse a sus hijos, por lo que su hermano Sergio y su esposa, Isabel Fiódorovna , fueron nombrados guardianes de Dmitri y María.

  2. Le grand-duc Dimitri Pavlovitch de Russie. Dimitri Pavlovitch de Russie (en russe : Дмитрий Павлович Романов ), grand-duc de Russie, est né le 6 septembre 1891 ( 18 septembre dans le calendrier grégorien) à Ilinskoïe ( Empire russe) et mort le 5 mars 1942 à Davos ( Suisse ). Petit-fils de l'empereur Alexandre II et ...

  3. Dmitri Pavlovich. Dmitri Pavlovich, the second child and only son of Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich and a grandson of Alexander II of Russia, and Alexandra Georgievna, the daughter of King George I of Greece, was born at Ilinskoe near Moscow on 18th September 1891. His mother died soon after childbirth and he was raised by his uncle, Grand Duke ...

  4. In 1912, her betrothal with Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovich was supposed to happen, with whom she shared mutual sympathy. However, ... Grand Duke Dmitri would be the one taking part in Rasputin’s ...

  5. Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovich of Russia was the grandson of Tsar Alexander II and a cousin to Tsar Nicholas II. Born eight weeks prematurely, his mother, Princess Alexandra of Greece, died as a result of complications from the birth. His father was killed by anarchists during the abortive 1905 revolution and he was sent to live with the Tsar’s ...

  6. Paul Ilyinsky. Paul Dmitrievich Romanovsky-Ilyinsky (January 27, 1928 – February 10, 2004) was a three-time mayor of Palm Beach, Florida, and the only child of Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovich of Russia and his morganatic wife, Cincinnati heiress Audrey Emery [citation needed]. He was a great-grandson of Tsar Alexander II of Russia and, following ...

  7. Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovich and his wife could afford a very opulent lifestyle with homes in London, Biarritz, Neuilly-sur-Seine, and Château de Beaumesnil near Caen, and visits to America. After ten years of marriage, they were divorced in 1937. Dmitri then lived at the Château de Beaumesnil in Beaumesnil, Eure, France, which he had bought ...