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  1. Atos Townshend. Para ajudar a pagar suas enormes dívidas da Guerra dos Sete Anos (1756-1763), o Parlamento Britânico - a conselho de Charles Townshend, o Chanceler do Tesouro Britânico - votou para cobrar novos impostos sobre as colônias americanas.

  2. Charles Townshend, 2.º Visconde Townshend Bt, KG, PC (18 de Abril de 1674 - 21 de Junho de 1738) foi um estadista liberal britânico. Prestou serviço como Secretário de Estado durante uma década, dirigindo os negócios estrangeiros britânicos.

  3. Charles Townshend (28 août 1725 – 4 septembre 1767) est un homme politique britannique qui occupe divers postes au Parlement de Grande-Bretagne. Ses controversés Townshend Acts sont considérés comme l’une des causes principales de la révolution américaine .

  4. Charles Townshend was the head of the treasury in Great Britain. He wanted to see Britain take more control over its colonies. After the Stamp Act protests, many including the British Prime Minister, William Pitt, did not want to pass more tax laws. Townshend, however, felt differently.

  5. George III duly dismissed Rockingham. William Pitt, also sympathetic to the colonists, succeeded him. However, Pitt was old and ill with gout. His chancellor of the exchequer, Charles Townshend (Figure 5.3.1), whose job was to manage the Empire’s finances, took on many of his duties.

  6. 9 de nov. de 2009 · Townshend Duties . The Townshend Acts, named after Charles Townshend, British chancellor of the Exchequer, imposed duties on British china, glass, lead, paint, paper and tea imported to the colonies.

  7. 13 de jan. de 2022 · Townshend was dead. He died suddenly from “a putrid fever” (probably typhus) on September 6, 1767 at the age of only forty-two, a scant two months after the passage of his signature legislation and probably before any reaction was known. In England, Walpole said “Our comet Charles Townshend is dead.”.