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  1. Guillermo Kahlo Kaufmann nato Carl Wilhelm Kahlo (meglio conosciuto Guillermo Kahlo; Pforzheim, 26 ottobre 1871 – Città del Messico, 14 aprile 1941) è stato un fotografo tedesco naturalizzato messicano, padre di Frida Kahlo . Ha documentato fotograficamente importanti opere architettoniche, chiese, strade, punti di riferimento, nonché ...

  2. Guillermo Kahlo was a German-Mexican photographer. He photographically documented important architectural works, churches, streets, landmarks, as well as industries and companies in Mexico at the beginning of the 20th century; because of this, his work has not only artistic value but also historical and documental importance.

  3. He was born Carl Wilhelm Kahlo in 1871, later adopting the name Guillermo (the Spanish equivalent of Wilhelm) when he made Mexico his home at the age of 20. After growing up in Pforzheim in the German Empire and studying at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, he was sent to Mexico by his father in 1891. Guillermo’s mother had died, and his ...

  4. Frida Kahlo y Antonio Ruiz en la inauguración de los murales de la pulquería La Rosita en Coyoacán (1943) de Casasola Fototeca Nacional, INAH. Frida mantuvo una relación muy estrecha con su padre. De entre las cuatro hijas que tuvo con Matilde Calderón, Frida era la favorita de Guillermo Kahlo. Para ella, él era un hombre inteligente y ...

  5. Guillermo Kahlo was a German-Mexican photographer. He photographically documented important architectural works, churches, streets, landmarks, as well as industries and companies in Mexico at the beginning of the 20th century; because of this, his work has not only artistic value but also historical and documental importance.

  6. Guillermo Kahlo apósától, Antonio Calderóntól tanulta meg a fényképészet mesterségét. Kezdetben az El Mundo Ilustrado és a Semanario Ilustrado folyóiratok számára készített építészeti témájú fotókat, majd 1905 -től Porfirio Díaz kormányzatának megbízásából négy év alatt bejárta az országot, hogy az állami kézben lévő templomokról leltárt készítsen.

  7. A morte de Guillermo, em 1941, foi um golpe devastador para a pintora. Retrato de meu pai, Wilhelm Kahlo (1952), de Frida Kahlo Museo Frida Kahlo. Levaria mais de dez anos para que Frida pintasse o pai após a morte dele. Na parte inferior da pintura, no estilo de uma oferenda, a artista escreveu uma mensagem: "Pintei meu pai, Wilhelm Kahlo, de ...

  1. Buscas relacionadas a Guillermo Kahlo

    frida kahlo