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  1. 1 de jun. de 2019 · Rights. Rights that have been established by custom as opposed to law. For example, a park that has allowed dogs for 50 years that suddenly bans dogs based on the argument that the right to bring in dogs never existed in the first place. It was the de facto policy of the park to allow dogs for more than 50 years.

  2. Learn about the WTO's Appellate Body Repertory, a comprehensive guide to the interpretation and application of the MFN treatment principle.

  3. 30 de jul. de 2014 · Human rights advocates have shifted the terrain to de facto as well as de jure equality. This evolution is explored in the edited collection Fredman 2001 , which provides an excellent introductory sweep of the range of rights-based approaches to non-discrimination from a well-chosen list of contributors.

  4. Among the factors that also contribute to this kind of de facto segregation: Redlining — denying or increasing the cost of services to residents in certain areas. Perhaps the most insidious kind of redlining is mortgage discrimination. Up until the 1970s, for example, some banks simply refused to provide loans to people of color who

  5. Example Sentences. The president aims to create a de jure one-party state. According to the law politicians and kings, de jure leaders of men. “Martin Luther King Jr. dedicated his life to fighting for civil rights and justice for America’s black victims of de jure and de facto discrimination.”

  6. It is important to note that de jure discrimination can unfairly target certain groups and promote malicious actions. Typical examples are the apartheid laws and Jim Crow laws. Law. 3 years ago. 111 Views. De Jure is a Latin expression that simply means by or through the law. It shows that something is real as defined through legislation.

  7. de jure. De jure is the Latin expression for “by law” or “by right” and is used to describe a practice that exists by right or according to law. In contemporary use, the phrase almost always means “as a matter of law.”. De jure is often contrasted with de facto . [Last updated in June of 2021 by the Wex Definitions Team] wex.