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  1. Hitler, Adolf. (1889-1945) Líder (Führer) y dictador del Tercer Reich alemán. Nació en Braunau, Austria, en el seno de una familia de pequeños terratenientes; su padre era empleado de aduana. Desde 1900 a 1905 realizó estudios secundarios en la ciudad austríaca de Linz; ahí concluyó su educación formal. Su padre murió en 1903.

  2. Adolf Hitler was the leader (Führer), or unchallenged dictator, of Germany from 1933, when he came to power, until April 30, 1945, when he committed suicide in his bunker in Berlin. Born in Austria in 1889, he was initially unsuccessful in life, becoming a semi-vagrant in pre-WW1 Vienna. He fled Austria in 1913 and served in the German army ...

  3. Há 4 dias · Adolf Hitler - Nazi Leader, WW2, Holocaust: At the turn of the 21st century more books had been written about Hitler since his death than about Napoleon during the half-century after the latter’s demise. Time and distance from the events of World War II have also affected the historical interpretation of Hitler. There is a general consensus about his historical importance (a term that does ...

  4. 25 de jul. de 2023 · Explore the life of Adolf Hitler, the man most responsible for the devastation of the Second World War and the horrors of the Holocaust.

  5. Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler fue el líder indiscutido del Partido Nacionalsocialista Obrero Alemán, conocido como nazi, desde 1921. En 1923 fue detenido y encarcelado por intentar derrocar al gobierno alemán. Su juicio lo volvió famoso y le consiguió seguidores. Hitler aprovechó el tiempo que pasó en prisión para plasmar sus ideas ...

  6. Hitler partecipa a una delle prime riunioni del Partito dei Lavoratori Tedesco (Deutsche Arbeiterpartei-DAP), che più tardi, sotto la sua guida, diventerà il Partito Nazista. 8-9 Novembre 1923 Adolf Hitler e il Partito Nazista guidano una coalizione che tenta di rovesciare il governo in Baviera e iniziare così una "rivoluzione nazionale".

  7. Há 4 dias · Adolf Hitler - Nazi Leader, WW2, Holocaust: Once in power, Hitler established an absolute dictatorship. He secured the president’s assent for new elections. The Reichstag fire, on the night of February 27, 1933 (apparently the work of a Dutch Communist, Marinus van der Lubbe), provided an excuse for a decree overriding all guarantees of freedom and for an intensified campaign of violence. In ...

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