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  1. In these pages, an online biography of Evelyn Waugh is taking shape, where several phases of Waugh's life before 1939 are given enough space so that the relevant 'young Evelyn' can be fully encountered. The menu is on the left. Yes, it does scroll down a long way. So, dear reader, where might you start?

  2. 17 de out. de 2017 · Evelyn Waugh is mentioned several times in this biography in two ways. Firstly as having described the Bright Young Things in his novel Vile Bodies (1930) many of whom were friends of Joan Eyres Monsell (1912 – 2003), the beautiful wife of Patrick Leigh Fermor, before the Second World War. Waugh is said to have been at the London parties of ...

  3. Evelyn Waugh. , The Art of Fiction No. 30. Evelyn Waugh, photograph by Carl Van Vechten. The interview which follows is the result of two meetings on successive days at the Hyde Park Hotel, London, during April 1962. I had written to Mr. Waugh earlier asking permission to interview him, and in this letter I had promised that I should not bring ...

  4. Evelyn Waugh est l’auteur de Retour à Brideshead, Grandeur et décadence, Le Cher Disparu, Scoop, Une poignée de cendres ou encore de la trilogie formée par Hommes en armes, Officiers et gentlemen , La Capitulation et L'Épreuve de Gilber Pinfold (tous publiés dans la collection « Pavillons poche »). Autres livres du même genre.

  5. Arthur Evelyn St. John Waugh (Londres, 28 de Outubro de 1903 – Taunton, 10 de Abril de 1966) foi um escritor britânico conhecido sobretudo pela sua obra Reviver o Passado em Brideshead (Memórias de Brideshead, no Brasil e Brideshead Revisited em inglês) que deu origem à aclamada série de televisão homônima produzida pela Granada Television.

  6. Biographie : Arthur Evelyn St. John Waugh est un écrivain. Il est élève à la célèbre public school de Lancing où il se passionne très tôt pour la peinture et la religion. Ses goûts le portent vers le Quattrocento, les peintres préraphaélites et la légende arthurienne. Il écrira d'ailleurs une biographie du peintre préraphaélite ...

  7. Arthur Evelyn St. John Waugh - Escritor britânico, nascido em 1903 e falecido em 1966, estudou em Oxford, e, após um breve período em que se dedicou ao ensino, deu início à sua atividade...