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  1. The history of the Eastern Orthodox Church is the formation, events, and transformation of the Eastern Orthodox Church through time. According to the Eastern Orthodox tradition, the history of the Eastern Orthodox Church is traced back to Jesus Christ and the Apostles.

  2. Há 6 dias · Eastern Orthodoxy, one of the three major doctrinal and jurisdictional groups of Christianity. It is characterized by its continuity with the apostolic church, its liturgy, and its territorial churches.

  3. 5 de mar. de 2019 · Trace a brief history and founding of the Eastern Orthodox Church and learn all about the origin of one of the oldest branches of Christianity.

  4. The Eastern Orthodox Church is a fellowship of autocephalous (Ancient Greek: αὐτοκέφαλος; "self-headed") churches, with the ecumenical patriarch of Constantinople recognised as having primus inter pares status.

  5. 2 de jul. de 2024 · Eastern Orthodoxy - Byzantine, Schism, Reformation: At the beginning of the 2nd millennium of Christian history, the church of Constantinople, capital of the Eastern Roman (or Byzantine) Empire, was at the peak of its world influence and power.

  6. Eastern Orthodoxy, otherwise known as Eastern Orthodox Christianity or Byzantine Christianity, is one of the three main branches of Chalcedonian Christianity, alongside Catholicism and Protestantism.

  7. Eastern Orthodoxy summary. Discover the nature and history of Eastern Orthodoxy and how it differs from Roman Catholicism. Written and fact-checked by. The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica.