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  1. 题目. 1948 年, ()将热力学中的熵引入信息通信领域,标志着信息论研究的开端。. A. xx •诺伊曼 (John von Neumann) B. 图灵 (Alan Turing ) C. xx (Leonhard Euler ) D. 克劳德•香农 (Claude Shannon) 答案. D香农是信息论的鼻祖故答案为:D. 相关推荐. 1 1948年, ()将热力学中的熵引入信息 ...

  2. The first is von Neumann's formal letter of reference dated June 1, 1937, supporting Turing's application for a Procter Fellowship at Princeton for the year 1937-38. The application was successful. The point of interest is that von Neumann made no reference at all to Turing's On computable numbers , which had been published some six months earlier.

  3. 17 de jun. de 2012 · John Von Neumann Todo computador moderno, gran parte de nuestra sociedad actual, depende del funcionamiento de esta máquina, probablemente la máquina que más ha impactado en la humanidad. Dependemos cada vez más de ellas, y probablemente dependeremos mucho más en el futuro para poder realizar nuestras actividades, desde comunicarnos, hasta el control de nuestras fuentes de energía.

  4. Claude Shannon was a contemporary of the originators of computers such as John von Neumann, Howard Aiken, and Alan Turing, working in the field of communications at the Bell Telephone Laboratories during World War II. While Turing and von Neumann recognized the application of mathematical logic to computer

  5. The Shannon centenary, 2016, marked the life and influence of Claude Elwood Shannon on the hundredth anniversary of his birth on April 30, 1916. It was inspired in part by the Alan Turing Year . An ad hoc committee of the IEEE Information Theory Society including Christina Fragouli , Rüdiger Urbanke, Michelle Effros , Lav Varshney and Sergio Verdú , [77] coordinated worldwide events.

  6. age? By my count there are five. John von Neumann is largely responsible for three of them, and he made a funda-mental contribution to a fourth. Claude Shannon solved the fundamental problem of making information reliable. Alan Turing demonstrated and defined the universality of com-putation and was influenced by an early lecture by von Neumann.

  7. John von Neumann: Life, Work, and Legacy. Accepting an invitation from Oswald Veblen to lecture on quantum theory at Princeton University, John von Neumann was one of a group of Hungarian and Jewish intellectuals to escape to the United States from the turmoil of Europe. The newly wed von Neumann, with his wife Mariette Kovesi, arrived in the ...