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  1. 4 de abr. de 2022 · Here are 25 interesting facts about bees in Canada for you to share with your loved ones at the dinner table, or any other time you see fit! Canadian Honeybees: 25 Facts #1 - Canada is home to 855 species of native bees -- bumblebees, mason bees, sweat bees, leafcutting bees, mining bees, squash bees and more -- in addition to the western domesticated honey bee.

  2. 27 de jul. de 2018 · Honey bees contribute $20 billion to the value of U.S. crop production. 6. Bees cannot see the color red. 7. Honey bees work their best between 60 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Because of this, almond crops in California are reliant on honey bees rather than wild bees because they are still in hibernation in early February when the trees bloom.

  3. We have such a diverse fauna and flora that so many interesting things are missed. Bees are the hardest working insects in the world. No one else in the last 50 million years has been able to repeat the unique actions that took place behind the thin walls of honeycombs in the hive. Bees – real workers, and they don’t care about the weather. 1.

  4. Bees will only fly as far as they need to, but may fly as far as 5 to 10 miles from the hive. 19. Do Honey Bees Sting? Yes, worker bees can sting, and the sting can be painful. (The drones do not have a stinger.) If a bee uses her stinger, she will die shortly afterwards. Queen bees can also sting and they sting multiple times.

  5. How the bees you know are killing the bees you don’t An interesting discussion of the impacts of commercially-managed bumble bees and honey bees on the diversity and health of our many, often unnoticed and under-appreciated, native bees (around 4,000 species of which live in the U.S. alone).

  6. 2 de nov. de 2017 · Bee Facts are fun ways to share your interest in this amazing creature. #BEE Interesting and share these at the next dinner party you attend. All-In-One Beekeeping for the Bees

  7. Interesting Facts About the Honey Bee Though people often fear these insects, particularly because some people are allergic to them, they are actually extremely important creatures. Honeybees are the chief pollinators of a number of plants.