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  1. ner shows, the agonies Ford went through with his wife Elsie Martindale Hueffer and his mistress Violet Hunt in the six preceding years, The Good Soldier has its roots in much earlier events, specifically in Ford's elopement with Elsie in 1894 and his nervous breakdown in 1904. And here the hitherto unpublished and largely unknown diary of ...

  2. ↑ Birth Registration: "England & Wales General Register Office" GRO Online Indexes - Birth (accessed 17 April 2022) Hueffer, Ford Hermann (Mother's maiden name: Madox brown). GRO Reference: 1874 Jan-Feb-Mar in Croydon Volume 02A Page 264. ↑ FreeBMD Marriages Jun 1894 : Hueffer, Joseph Leopold F H M : Martindale, Elsie ; Gloucester Vol. 6a ...

  3. A Ford a Ford Madox Hueffer nevet használta, de az első világháború után 1919-ben Ford Madox Fordra változtatta, részben azért, hogy eleget tegyen egy kis hagyaték feltételeinek, részben "mert a teuton név manapság nem tetszetős". esetleg azért, hogy elkerülje Elsie további pereit abban az esetben, ha új társát, Stellát "Huefferné"-ként emlegetnék.

  4. Ford used the name of Ford Madox Hueffer, but changed it to Ford Madox Ford after World War I in 1919, partly to fulfil the terms of a small legacy, [7] partly "because a Teutonic name is in these days disagreeable", and possibly to avoid further lawsuits from Elsie in the event of his new companion, Stella, being referred to as "Mrs Hueffer".

  5. Seit 1894 war Ford mit Elsie Hueffer, geborene Martindale, verheiratet. Der Ehe entstammten die Töchter Christina Hueffer (1897–1984) und Katharine Hueffer (1900–1978). Weil seine Ehefrau nicht in eine Scheidung einwilligte, als Ford darum ersuchte, blieb die Ehe nach britischem Recht bis zu seinem Tod bestehen.

  6. In 1894 Ford eloped with his school-girlfriend Elsie Martindale, the daughter of Dr William Martindale, a prominent analytical chemist, who opposed her marrying someone with such unreliable financial prospects. Ford and Elsie married in Gloucester on 17 May 1894.

  7. 28 de ago. de 2024 · Ford Madox Ford (Merton, Surrey, 17 de diciembre de 1873 - Deauville, Francia, 26 de junio de 1939) fue un novelista y editor inglés.Su verdadero nombre era Ford Hermann Hueffer, pero lo cambió, primero a Ford Madox Hueffer, y luego a Ford Madox Ford, en homenaje a su abuelo, el pintor prerrafaelista Ford Madox Brown, del que escribió una biografía.