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  1. Course of War. During the Austro-Prussian War the Second Army received its marching orders from Von Moltke. He ordered the I Corps to move via Liebau and Trautenau to Arnau, the Guards Corps to move via Neurode, Braunau, Eypel to Koniginhof, the V Corps to move via Glatz, Reinerz, Nachod to Gradlitz, and the VI Corps to move from Waldenburg ...

  2. Prussian uprisings. The Prussian uprisings were two major and three smaller uprisings by the Old Prussians, one of the Baltic tribes, against the Teutonic Knights that took place in the 13th century during the Prussian Crusade. The crusading military order, supported by the Popes and Christian Europe, sought to conquer and convert the pagan ...

  3. 1. Preußisches Infanterieregiment. The 1st Prussian Infantry Regiment (von Kunheim) ( German: 1. Preußisches Infanterieregiment) was a line infantry regiment of the Old Prussian Army which had initially formed part of the Prussian Life Guard, but later transferred to the line. After notably serving in the War of the Austrian Succession and ...

  4. Prussian Nights. Prussian Nights (Russian: Прусские ночи) is a long poem by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, who served as a captain in the Soviet Red Army during the Second World War. Prussian Nights describes the Red Army's march across East Prussia, and focuses on the traumatic acts of rape and murder that Solzhenitsyn witnessed as a ...

  5. In 1914, besides the Guard Corps (two Guard divisions and a Guard cavalry division), there were 42 regular divisions in the Prussian Army (including four Saxon divisions and two Württemberg divisions), and six divisions in the Bavarian Army. These divisions were all mobilised in August 1914.

  6. The Prussian War Ministry was gradually established between 1808 and 1809 as part of a series of reforms initiated by the Military Reorganization Commission created after the disastrous Treaties of Tilsit. The War Ministry was to help bring the Army under constitutional review, and, along with the General Staff systematize the conduct of ...

  7. Preußische Armee. Die Preußische Armee (Vollform: Königlich Preußische Armee, von 1644 bis 1701 Kurfürstlich Brandenburgische Armee) war die Armee des preußischen Staates von 1701 bis 1919. Sie ging aus dem seit 1644 existierenden stehenden Heer Brandenburg-Preußens hervor. 1871 ging sie ins Deutsche Heer ein und wurde 1919 als Folge der ...