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  1. Bartholomeus Welser frecuentemente tomó parte en los asuntos públicos de Augsburg. Declinando oponerse al emperador en la guerra de Smalkalda, obtuvo del concejo un permiso de tres años de ausencia, y adelantó grandes sumas de dinero a Carlos V. En 1547 regresó a Augsburg y en 1553 se alejó de los negocios.

  2. Walser, BARTHOLOMEUS, German merchant prince, b. at Augsburg, 1488; d. at Amberg, near Turkheim, Swabia, 1561. His father was Anton Welser, an important merchant of Augsburg. Bartholomeus entered his father’s business at an early age. After Anton’s death (1518) he bought the family homestead and with his brother Anton founded the firm of ...

  3. Welser. Welser (vĕlˈzər), German family of wealthy merchants and bankers at Augsburg. It reached the height of its prosperity under Bartholomäus Welser, 1488–1561, who had advanced large sums to Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. Unable to repay his debts, Charles granted (1528) virtual sovereignty over present Venezuela to his creditor, who ...

  4. Príncipe Bartholomeus Welser foi um banqueiro alemão. Em 1528 assinou um acordo com Carlos V, imperador do Sacro Império Romano, concedendo uma concessão na Província da Venezuela, que se tornou Klein-Venedig até que a concessão foi revogada em 1546.[1]

  5. Prince Bartholomeus Welser was a German banker. In 1528 he signed an agreement with Charles V, emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, granting a concession in Venezuela Province, which became Klein-Venedig until the concession was revoked in 1546.