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  1. 21 de jul. de 2023 · A atriz Josephine Hannah Chaplin morreu aos 74 anos, em Paris, na França. A artista era filha de Charlie Chaplin, um dos maiores nomes da era do cinema mudo, e de Oona O’Neill, atriz britânica e quarta mulher do ator. Embora a informação tenha sido divulgada nesta sexta-feira (21) pela família, a morte aconteceu no dia 13 de julho.

  2. Hannah Harriet Pedlingham Hill, nota anche con lo pseudonimo di Lily Harley (Londra, 6 agosto 1865 – Glendale, 28 agosto 1928), è stata un'attrice, ballerina e cantante britannica. Fu la madre di Charlie Chaplin e dei suoi due fratellastri, l'attore Sydney Chaplin e il regista Wheeler Dryden (quest'ultimo nato da una relazione clandestina).

  3. Charlie’s Mother: Hannah Chaplin. (1865-1928) Charlie Chaplin always cited his own mother as a great inspiration on both his performance techniques and his outlook on life. Hannah was a singer and character comedienne in the British music halls with the stage name of Lily Harley, and she did enjoy some success. Sadly her career was plagued on ...

  4. You’ve surely heard of Charlie Chaplin, but did you know he inherited his talent from his brilliant mother Hannah Chaplin? Okay, his dad was a talented performer too, but it was Hannah that nurtured Charlie’s skill from his youngest days – performing skits and songs and stories for him and his brother and bringing them along with her while she worked.

  5. Hannah Harriet Pedlingham Chaplin, född 6 augusti 1865, död 28 augusti 1928 [ 6][ 7], även känd under artistnamnet Lily Harley, var en engelsk skådespelerska, sångerska och dansare som uppträdde i brittiska music halls från 16 års ålder. Chaplin var mor till Charlie Chaplin och hans två halvbröder, skådespelaren Sydney Chaplin och ...

  6. Hannah, está me ouvindo? Onde te encontrares, levanta os olhos! Vês, Hannah? O sol vai rompendo as nuvens que se dispersam! Estamos saindo da treva para a luz! Vamos entrando num mundo novo – um mundo melhor, em que os homens estarão acima da cobiça, do ódio e da brutalidade. Ergue os olhos, Hannah! A alma do homem ganhou asas e afinal começa a voar. Voa para o arco-íris, para a luz ...

  7. Charlie’s Mother: Hannah Chaplin. (1865-1928) Charlie Chaplin always cited his own mother as a great inspiration on both his performance techniques and his outlook on life. Hannah was a singer and character comedienne in the British music halls with the stage name of Lily Harley, and she did enjoy some success. Sadly her career was plagued on ...