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  1. Designed in the early 18th century by Sir James Thornhill, the Painted Hall features more than 3,700 square metres of Baroque walls and ceilings. These surfaces are covered in striking images depicting 200 figures including kings, queens and mythological creatures. It was originally intended as an eating space for the Greenwich Pensioners who ...

  2. Find out more about public events, tours, exhibitions, activities and more things to do at Old Royal Naval College in Greenwich, London

  3. Birthplace of King Henry VIII. The site of the Old Royal Naval College was once the Palace of Placentia – also known as Greenwich Palace (1498–1694). It was the birthplace of the infamous Tudor monarch King Henry VIII and his daughters Queen Mary I and Queen Elizabeth I. Find out more about the Tudors at Greenwich.

  4. Proseguendo in direzione est lungo il lungofiume di Greenwich, si trova il complesso dell’Old Royal Naval College; varie parti di questo capolavoro di Sir Christopher Wren, amministrato dalla Greenwich Foundation, sono occupate da alcuni enti come l’università e il conservatorio di musica e danza Trinity Laban.

  5. What happened to The Royal Naval College? In 1983 the Government decided to amalgamate the training of armed forces and the Navy vacated the premises in 1997. The Greenwich Foundation, an independent charity, was established to conserve the site for present and future generations, and create enjoyment, learning and unique cultural experiences for everyone.

  6. L'Old Royal Naval College est désormais l'ensemble architectural central du Maritime Greenwich [12], situé à Greenwich, Londres, le site classé au Patrimoine mondial par l'UNESCO décrit comme ayant une « valeur universelle exceptionnelle » et reconnu comme étant le « plus beau et plus spectaculaire ensemble architectural et paysage situé dans les îles britanniques [13] ».

  7. Turner also loved painting from the hill in Greenwich Park, arguably the best view in London. See the domes of the Old Royal Naval College against the monolithic skyscrapers of Canary Wharf, and the Thames as it sweeps into central London. Find out more. 5. Journey beneath the Thames and see Canaletto’s view of Greenwich.